toh-pak-cha. you've done it, soran. wait! i hope for your sake that you are initiating a mating ritual. impossible. we left no survivors on their outpost. perhaps we are tired of waiting. wait. when do we get our payment? du'cha what do we do? that is a galaxy class starship. we are no match for them. the doctor values his privacy. he would be quite. upset if an away team interrupted him. in exchange for what? the captain would make a much more valuable hostage. where is he? human females are so repulsive. i thought he was the chief engineer. then when is he going to engineering? i don't know. he bathed. now he is roaming the ship. he must be the only engineer in starfleet who does not go to engineering! finally! adjust our torpedo frequency to match - two-five-seven point four! full disruptors. what?