but the sharks are quite convincing. it's all done in good fun, data. get in the spirit of things. data. data -- ! i'm picking up life signs. about twenty meters ahead. over here. it looks like a power surge fused the emotional chip into his neural net. i don't think so. the chip still seems to be working. i'd feel better if i could take a closer look, but i can't remove it without completely dismantling his cerebral conduit. wil, i checked into doctor soran's background. he's an el-aurian. over three hundred years old. he lost his entire family when the borg destroyed his world. soran escaped with a handful of other refugees aboard a ship called the lakul. the ship was destroyed by some kind of energy ribbon, but soran and forty-six others were rescued by the enterprise-b. i checked the passenger manifest of the lakul. guess who else was on board? don't worry, there's been no permanent damage. your heart is perfectly fine. there's been a little arterial damage. and some myocardial degeneration. i'm going to give you some hematozine, and i want to run more tests. but i think you're going to be fine. two hundred thirty-two patients in under two days. save that stretcher. no -- that one's for me.