there he is -- there, to the south! that should be him now. i think he's just crossed the sound barrier. actually, captain, your precise target area was thirty-five meters. that way. captain. perhaps you have forgotten that tomorrow is the christening ceremony. captain. demora! excuse me, captain. i'd like you to meet the helmsman of the enterprise-b. ensign demora sulu -- captain james kirk. you met her once before, but she was. twelve years, sir. very good, sir. what the hell is that? how many people were aboard that ship? how big's your medical staff? you and you. you've just become nurses. let's go. it will be all right. we're going to take care of you. only minor injuries so far. but it looks like they're all suffering from some kind of neural shock. easy there. it's going to be okay. here, just lie down. my god. was anyone in there? i never thought it would end like this.