it's a pleasure to meet you, sir. my father's told me some. interesting stories about you. yes, sir. thank you, sir. let me show you the new inertial guidance system. the ships are bearing at three one zero mark two one five. distance: three light years. we're within visual range of the energy distortion, captain. i've found the transport ships. their hulls are starting to buckle under the stress -- they won't survive much longer. aye, sir. there's too much quantum interference, captain. sir! the starboard vessel's hull is collapsing -- two hundred sixty-five. the lakul's hull integrity is down to twelve percent, sir. we're within range, sir. main engineering reports fluctuations in the warp plasma relays. we're caught in a gravimetric field emanating from the trailing edge of the ribbon. inertial dampers failing. hull integrity failing. captain. we don't have any torpedoes. deck fifteen, section twenty-one alpha forty-five seconds to structural collapse! we're clear. there's some buckling on the starboard nacelle. we've also got a hull breach in the engineering section. emergency forcefields are in place and holding. sections twenty through twenty- eight on decks thirteen. fourteen. . and fifteen. i've checked the entire ship and the surrounding space. there's no sign of him.