data. that wasn't funny. no. but i'd stay out of sickbay for a while if i were you. i still don't know why you dropped her in the water. data. you're not thinking about using that thing are you? wait a minute. i thought you've always been afraid it would overload your neural net. all right. but at the first sign of trouble, i'm going to deactivate it. agreed? well? really? what do you feel? i'll explain later. data, i think the chip is working. there's no sign of any trilithium in here. you get what? what? the farpoint mission? data, that was seven years ago. thanks. wait a minute. there's a hidden doorway here. i can see the joint of the metal with my visor. i don't see a control panel. or an access port. i'm still not picking up anything. someone went to a lot of trouble to shield this room. data, take a look at this. you ever seen a solar probe with this kind of configuration? just help me get this panel open. whoa. my visor's picking up something in the theta band. it could be a trilithium signature. data, this isn't the time. data! data, are you all right? we better get you back to the ship. la forge to enterprise. oh. doctor. yeah, as a matter of fact, there is. there's a damping field in here blocking our com signal. will you give me a hand? what's normal? what do you want? trilithium is an experimental compound developed by the romulans. i think it's a derivative of -- i was ordered to by the captain. no. guinan? i don't know what you're talking about. yeah. they're full of great ideas. no. i didn't know that. i told you everything. you might as well just kill me right now. thanks, doc. okay, let's do it. get a stabilizer on that conduit. la forge to bridge. i've got a problem down here. the magnetic interlocks have been ruptured. i need to get the -- coolant leak! everybody out. bridge, we've got a new problem. we're about five minutes from a warp core breach. there's nothing i can do. that's it, bridge -- we're all out! you could say that.