you two just volunteered to be my first victims. this is a new concoction i picked up on forcas three. trust me, you're going to love it. emotions? i don't think he likes it. another round? soran? that's a name i haven't heard in a long time. oh yes. i remember everyone who was on the lakul. every face. even the ones who didn't make it. soran doesn't care about power or weapons. all he cares about is getting back to the nexus. it's a place i've tried very hard to forget. that ribbon isn't just some random energy phenomenon traveling through space. it's a doorway. it leads to another place. the nexus. it doesn't exist in our universe. and it doesn't play by the same rules either. i can't remember very much. what it looked like or how long i was there. but i do remember how it felt. it was like being inside. joy. as if joy was a real thing that i could wrap around myself. i've never been so content. i was pulled away. i didn't want to leave; none of us did. i felt like i'd left a part of myself behind. all i could think about was getting back. i didn't care what i had to do. it took a long time, but eventually i learned to live with it. and i began to realize that my experience in the nexus had changed me. i knew things about people. about events. about time. soran may still be obsessed with getting back. and if he is, he'll do anything to find that doorway again. let someone else do it, jean-luc. let them send another starship. don't get near the ribbon. if you go into that nexus, you're not going to care about soran or the enterprise or me. all you're going to care about is how it feels to be there. and you're never going to come back. you're in the nexus. for you. this is where you wanted to be. enjoy them, jean-luc. i am on the enterprise. i am also here. think of me as. an "echo" of the person you know. a part of her she left behind. when the enterprise-b beamed us off the lakul, we were partially in the nexus. the transporters locked on to us. but somehow everyone left a part of themselves behind. all of us. wherever he wanted to be. yeah. they're great, aren't they? you can go back and see them born. go forward and see your grandchildren. time has no meaning here. why would you want to leave? yes. where would you go? i told you, time has no meaning here. if you leave, you can go anywhere. any time. what makes you think things will be any different this time? i can't leave. i'm already there, remember? i know just the guy.