excuse me, excuse me. there will be plenty of time for questions later. i'm captain john harriman. i'd like to welcome you all aboard. i just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living legends with us on our maiden voyage. i remember reading about your missions when i was in grade school. please. please. excuse me, gentlemen. if you'll take your seats. prepare to leave spacedock. aft thrusters ahead one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping. captain kirk, i'd be honored if you would give the order to get underway. please, i insist. well. we've just cleared the asteroid belt. our course will take us out beyond pluto and then back to spacedock. just a quick run around the block. if we have time, we'll conduct a few tests of the warp -- on speakers. can you locate them? signal the closest starship. we're in no condition to mount a rescue. we don't even have a full crew aboard. well, then. i guess it's up to us. helm, lay in an intercept course and engage at maximum warp. on screen. we'll have to keep our distance. we don't want to get pulled in too. we don't have a tractor beam. it won't be installed until tuesday. ensign sulu. try generating a subspace field around the ships. that might break them free. what about. venting plasma from the warp nacelles? that might disrupt the ribbon's hold on the ships. captain kirk. i would appreciate any. suggestions you might have. what about the gravimetric distortions? they'll tear us apart. helm, close to within transporter range. beam them directly to sickbay. the medical staff. doesn't arrive until tuesday. all engines, full reverse! i didn't expect to die my first day on the job. i'll go. you have the bridge. activate main deflector. you did it, kirk! damage report, ensign. let's go home.