right on target! i jump out over the arabian peninsula. and i end up here, right on the dime. thanks for pointing that out. oh. tomorrow i want to make a tri- elliptical jump. that's where you jump out over northern china, and make three complete orbits before you start re-entry. i'm not going. scotty, help me with this chute. when i retired, i swore i'd never set foot on a starship again, and i meant it. i don't want to hear anymore about it. i'm not going, and that's final. it's our pleasure. well. may we have a look around? just fine. i'm glad to be here to send her on her way. i've been. keeping busy. your father. hikaru sulu is your father? but that wasn't so long ago. it couldn't have been more than. yes. well. congratulations, ensign. it wouldn't be the enterprise without a sulu at the helm. you know, scotty. it amazes me. sulu. when did he find the time for a family? with that kind of tact, i'm glad you're an engineer and not a psychiatrist. oh. of course. no. no. thank you. take us out. tractor beam. you left spacedock without a tractor beam? first -- move us within transporter range and beam those people to the enterprise. risk is part of the game if you want to sit in that chair. and second -- turn that damned thing off. scotty? phasing? to where? report! the first thing you learn as captain is how to cheat death. scotty? i thought you might. a photon torpedo? load torpedo bays, prepare to fire on my command. don't tell me. tuesday. where are the deflector relays? no. a captain's place is on the bridge of his ship. i'll take care of it. keep her together until i get back. kirk here. that's it. go! beautiful day, isn't it? do you mind? wait a second. i think something's burning. looks like someone was cooking eggs. come on in, it's all right. this is my house -- or at least it used to be, i sold it years ago. this clock. i gave this clock to bones. jake! jake, you miserable old mutt. how can you be here? he's been dead seven years. that's antonia. wait a minute. the future. what are you talking about? this is the past. this is nine years ago. the day i told her i was going back to starfleet. these were ktarian eggs -- her favorite.i was cooking them to soften the blow. and i gave her this. dill weed. there's a bottle of dill weed on the second shelf to the left, right behind the nutmeg. i don't know. i was on the enterprise-b. in the deflector control room. keep stirring these, will you? the bulkhead in front of me disappeared. then i was out there chopping wood. thanks. so you're telling me this is the twenty-fourth century. and i'm dead? temporal nexus. yeah, i heard you. something's missing. you said history considers me dead. who am i to argue with history? i don't need to be lectured by you. i was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was still in diapers. and frankly, i think the galaxy owes me one i was like you once. so worried about duty and obligations that i couldn't see anything past this uniform. and in the end, what did it get me? nothing. not this time. i'm going to walk up these stairs, march into that bedroom and tell antonia that i want to marry her. this time things are going to be different. no. no, it's not. it's better. this is my uncle's barn in iowa. i took that horse out for a ride seven years ago. on a spring day. just like this. if i'm right, this is the day i met antonia. this nexus of yours is very clever. i can start all over again -- do things right from day one. i must have made this jump fifty times. and every time it scared the hell out of me. but not this time. because. it's not real. she's not real either, is she? nothing here is. nothing here matters. it's kinda like. orbital skydiving. exciting for a few minutes. but in the end, you haven't really done anything. you haven't made a difference. captain of the enterprise, huh? close to retirement? well, let me tell you something - don't. don't let them promote you. don't let them transfer you. don't let anything take you off the bridge of that ship. because while you're there, you can make a difference. how can i argue with the captain of the enterprise? what was the name of that planet. veridian iii? i take it the odds are against us, and the situation is grim? of course, if spock were here, he'd say i was being an irrational, illogical human for wanting to go on a mission like that. sounds like fun. the twenty-fourth century isn't so tough. nice shot. did we do it? did we make a difference? least i could do. for a captain of the enterprise. it was fun.