mister worf. i always knew this day would come. are you prepared to face the charges? there can be only one punishment for such crimes. i hereby promote you to the rank of lieutenant commander, with all the rights and privileges thereto. and may god have mercy on your soul. congratulations, commander. don't you think you're taking this a little too far, number one? well, now that we're all aboard. number one, bring the ship before the wind. let's see what's out there. imagine what it was like, will. no engines. no computers. just the wind, the sea and the stars to guide you. picard here. put it through down here. but the best thing about a life at sea was that they couldn't get to you. computer, arch. yes. fine. if you'll excuse me. computer, exit. secure from red alert. number one, begin an investigation. i'll be in my ready room. make it so. there's still no indication of why they attacked the station? hmm. inform starfleet command. this could indicate a new romulan threat in this sector. is there a problem? thank you, number one. understood. that will be all. no. thank you. doctor soran? nothing for me. i understand there's something urgent you need to discuss with me. doctor. we're still conducting an investigation into the attack. once we've completed our work, we'll be happy to allow you and your fellow scientists back aboard the observatory. until then -- we're doing the best we can. now if you'll excuse me. i'll see what i can do. tea. earl grey. hot. come. counselor. what can i do for you? well. i appreciate your concern, but i'd rather not discuss it right now, thank you. as ship's counselor, it's your duty to know not only when you're needed. but also when you're not. well, with all due respect to your betazoid senses, i prefer to be alone right now. all right, all right. you've made your point. the message i received. my brother. and his son -- my nephew -- burned to death in a fire. what i can't get out of my mind is the image of rene -- my nephew. i just can't believe he's gone. in a way, he was as close as i ever came to having a child of my own. ever since i was a little boy, i remember hearing about the family line. the picards that fought at trafalgar. the picard's that settled the first martian colony. when my brother married and had a son. my brother had shouldered that burden. allowing me to pursue my own selfish needs. you know, counselor. i'm not getting any younger. for some time now, i've been aware that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind. but i always took comfort in the fact that when i was gone, my family would continue. but now. i've had brushes with death. more than i care to contemplate. i always accepted it as a calculated risk that goes along with wearing this uniform. but now. the idea of death has a terrible sense of finality to it. i'm the last picard. report. how is that possible? how long until the shock wave hits the observatory? what? helm, warp one, engage. do you remember him? guinan. it's important that you tell me what you know. we think soran's developed a weapon. a terrible weapon. it might give him enough power to -- what's the "nexus"? what happened to you? but then you were beamed away. your "sixth sense". i've always wondered where it came from. and what about soran? but why destroy a star? thank you, guinan. when is it expected back? data? guinan said soran was trying to get back to the ribbon. if that's true, then there must be some connection with the amargosa star. give me a list of those effects. i want to know every single thing which has been altered or changed. no matter how insignificant. data, are you all right? what do you mean? fear is a very difficult emotion to overcome. it's something we all have to learn to deal with. no. and what you must try to avoid is becoming consumed by another emotion which i believe you're beginning to experience. guilt. wait. the bozeman. why did it change course? a minor course correction. where is the ribbon now? can you project its course? data. i have nothing but sympathy for what you're going through. but right now, i need your full attention on the task at hand. if you can't provide it. then i'll have to relieve you of duty until doctor crusher can remove this. emotion chip of yours. i'm sorry, but you leave me no other choice. courage is an emotion too, data. now. can you project the course of the ribbon? enhance grid a-nine. where was the amargosa star? now. you said the gravitational forces in this sector have been altered. could that also affect the course of the ribbon? that's what soran's doing. he's changing its course. but why? why try to alter its path. why not simply fly into it with a ship? he can't go to the ribbon. so he's trying to make the ribbon come to him. data, is it going to pass near any m-class planets? it's very close to veridian three. but not close enough. data, what would happen to the ribbon's path if he destroyed the veridian star itself? that's where he's going. and destroy every planet in the system. are any of them inhabited? population? picard to bridge. red alert, mister worf. set a course for the veridian system, maximum warp. they're just trying to decide whether a twenty year-old klingon bird of prey is any match for the federation flagship. mister data, scan the planet for life forms. commander. too big. how long until the ribbon arrives? i have to find a way to get to soran. on screen. lursa, i want to talk to soran. then i'll beam down to his location. just give us his coordinates. very well. i'll beam to your ship and you can transport me to soran. me. if you let me speak to soran. agreed. number one, you have the bridge. have doctor crusher meet me in transporter room three. energize. the thought had crossed my mind. you don't need to do this, soran. i'm sure we could find another way to get you into this nexus. not if it means killing over two hundred million people. i wonder. did your wife leandra know that she married a man who was capable of mass murder? when you tucked your children into bed. do you suppose they ever suspected that their father would one day kill millions as casually as he kissed them goodnight? what you're about to do is no different from when the borg destroyed your world. we're all. mortal, soran. it's one of the truths of our existence. the nexus. thank you. what's going on? where am i? i. don't know what to say. merry. christmas. oh yes. yes, it's astonishingly beautiful. all of it. thank you. i can't imagine what it is. you mean a sextant. and it's a handsome one at that. from about eighteen twenty, i'd say. wherever did you find it? oh, a secret. well, that makes it a doubly special gift. thank you. thank you all. no. this isn't right. this can't be real. guinan. what's going on? where am i? this. is the nexus? but i never had a wife, children, a home like this. guinan, what are you doing here? i thought you were on the enterprise. left behind? soran? where is he now? in a few minutes. these are my children. my children. go on. go on without me. guinan. can i leave the nexus? can i? i don't understand. i know exactly where i want to go. and when. back to that mountaintop on veridian three. before soran put out the star. i have to stop him. you're right. i'll need help. guinan, will you come back with me? together, we could -- james kirk. yes. yes, it is. oh. captain, do you realize what -- i'm captain jean-luc picard of the starship enterprise. i'm from what you would consider the future. the twenty-fourth century. i know how real this must seem to you, but it's not. this isn't really your house. we've both been caught up in some sort of temporal nexus. how long have you been here? history records that you died saving the enterprise-b from an energy ribbon eighty years ago. not exactly. as i said, this is some kind of. captain, i need your help. i want you to leave the nexus with me. we have to go back to a planet called veridian iii and stop a man from destroying a star. there are millions of lives at stake. you're a starfleet officer and you have a duty to -- this doesn't look like your bedroom. better? antonia? that's right. i hadn't planned on it. you don't need to be on the bridge of a starship. come with me. help me stop soran. make a difference again. that's right. you could say that. kirk -- there's a control padd in his right pocket! i'll find a way to contact the enterprise. you're going to be all right. yes. thank you. try to hang on. yes. you needn't worry about the doctor anymore. was there a problem with the klingons? captain's log, stardate 48650.1. the starship farragut has arrived in orbit and has begun to beam up the enterprise survivors for transport back to earth. our casualties were light. but unfortunately the enterprise herself cannot be salvaged. yes, number one. thank you. it's not how many years you've lived, wil. but how you've lived them. someone once told me that time is a predator that stalks us all our lives. but maybe time is also a companion who goes with us on our journey, and reminds us to cherish the moments of our lives. because they will never come again. we are after all. only mortal. you may still. somehow i doubt this will be the last ship to carry the name enterprise. picard to farragut. two to beam up.