bring out the prisoner! "we, the officers and crew of the u.s.s. enterprise, being of sound mind and judgment, hereby make the following charges against lieutenant worf: one. that he did knowingly and willfully perform above and beyond the call of duty on countless occasions. two. that he has been a good and solid officer on this ship for one score less twelve years. and three. most seriously. that he has earned the respect and admiration of the entire crew." extend the plank!! when we went to ancient rome for deanna's promotion, we threw her to the lions, remember? aye, aye, sir. take the wheel, commander. all hands make sail! raise up tacks and stand by the braces! bad food, brutal discipline. no women. set the royals and the studding sails, mister worf. you see the top yardarm, now look to the -- riker here. red alert! all hands to battle stations! captain picard to the bridge. it looks like we're too late. the station complement was nineteen. sir? well, that narrows it to klingon, breen or romulan. worf, you're with me. paskall, you and mendez search the upper deck. i'm commander william riker of the starship enterprise. who attacked you, doctor? we found two dead romulans aboard the station. we're analyzing their equipment to see if we can determine what ship they came from. we think they were looking for something -- they practically tore the place apart. you want me to contact starfleet? no, sir. there is something else, captain. one of the scientists. a doctor soran. has insisted on speaking with you. i told him you were busy, sir, but he said it was absolutely imperative that he speak with you right away. sir. is there anything wrong? trilithium? why were they looking for it on a federation observatory? it doesn't make any sense. have geordi and data go over with the next away team. tell them to scan the observatory for trilithium. a quantum implosion has occurred within the amargosa star. all nuclear fusion is breaking down. the star's going to collapse in a matter of minutes. did they return to the ship? mister worf. what the hell's he doing? soran, did you hear that? there's a level twelve shock wave coming. we've got to get out of here! data! see if you can get to geordi! lursa and b'etor? this doesn't make any sense. a renowned stellar physicist somehow uses a trilithium probe to destroy a star, kidnaps geordi. and escapes with a pair of klingon renegades. why? what the hell's going on? how is he? looks like you're stuck with emotions for a while. how do you feel? we all are, data. but we're going to get him back. that was the mission where james kirk was killed. maybe they're not out there. that's a pretty big margin of error. sir, you can't trust them. they'll kill you just like they killed geordi. then return him. lock phasers and return fire! deanna, take the helm. get us out of orbit. worf, that's an old klingon ship. what do we know about it? are there any weaknesses? plasma coils. is there any way we can use that to our advantage? could we access the defective coil and trigger their cloak? right. and they'll be vulnerable for at least two seconds. data, lock onto that plasma coil. worf, prepare a spread of photon torpedoes. we'll have to hit them the instant they begin to cloak. we're only going to get one shot at this. target their primary reactor. with any luck, their warp core should implode. make it quick! fire! deanna, evacuate everyone into the saucer section. mister data, prepare to separate the ship. begin separation sequence. full impulse power once we're clear. report. all hands, brace for impact! is this it? i'm going to miss this ship. she went before her time. speak for yourself, sir. i kinda planned on living forever. i always thought i'd have a crack at this chair one day.