what are ye, blind? that's a bird. repelling the crystalline trench. rafting down lava flows. orbital skydiving. it's like the man is running a bloody decathlon across the galaxy. i've warned ye about that back of yours. you should have a doctor take a look at it. what do you mean, you're not going? we promised. damn fine ship if you ask me. and what would that be, sir? it's like you always said -- if something's important enough, you make the time. so. that's why you've been running around the galaxy like an eighteen-year-old. finding retirement a little lonely, are we? brought a tear to my eye. is there something wrong with your chair, captain? by-pass the relays and go to auxiliary systems. what the hell. their life signs are. are phasing in and out of our space-time continuum. i got forty-seven of them. . out of one hundred fifty. engines not responding! there's just no way to disrupt a gravimetric field of this magnitude! but i do have a theory. an anti-matter discharge directly ahead. it might disrupt the field long enough for us to break away. aye. captain, it may be possible to simulate a torpedo blast using a resonance burst from the main deflector dish. i always do. bridge to captain kirk. captain, i don't know how much longer i can hold her together! we're breaking free. where? bridge to captain kirk. captain kirk, please respond. have chekov meet me on deck fifteen. aye. just a quick. run around the block. all things must end, mr. chekov.