answer him! here. take the wheel. captain, are you all right? actually. i'm here to see if there's anything i can do for you. i'm afraid i can't just leave it at that. the commanding officer of this ship is clearly distraught about something. as ship's counselor, it's my duty to -- you can't fool an empath, captain. i know exactly when i'm needed. very well. i suppose i could make out my weekly report to starfleet command without your input. "admiral lusby. regarding the unusual behavior of jean-luc picard: i find him increasingly irritable. remote. and uncooperative. i recommend forced shore leave at a starbase facility in order to --" captain, i'm sorry. i know there were a lot of unresolved conflicts between you and your brother. it's only natural to feel a heightened sense of tragedy when a child dies. but it goes deeper than that, doesn't it? i can sense that rene meant a great deal to you. your family history is very important to you, isn't it? you felt it was no longer your responsibility to carry on the family line. there's nothing selfish about pursuing your own life. your own career. captain, perhaps we -- level twelve? that'll destroy everything in this system. or perhaps they're on the surface. engaging impulse engines. helm controls are off-line! over here, data! i think i've found something. one life sign, very faint. another family reunited. data. are you all right? no, data. i think it's working perfectly.