i am prepared. thank you, sir. wait!! i can't swim. the royal. studs? there are no other ships in the system. these blast patterns are consistent with type-three disruptors. that rules out klingons. they would not have left anyone alive. under here. it's all right. do not struggle. romulan. one of the dead romulans had a tricorder. we analyzed its sensor logs and found they were scanning for signature particles of a compound called trilithium. an experimental compound the romulans have been working on. in theory, a trilithium-based explosive would be thousands of times more powerful than an anti-matter weapon. but they never found a way to stabilize it. aye, sir. sensor records show a solar probe was launched from the observatory a few moments ago. sir, the implosion has produced a level twelve shock wave. no, sir. they are not aboard. four minutes, forty seconds. i have spoken to the klingon high council, sir. they identified the bird of prey as belonging to the duras sisters. will that be a danger to him? sir, according to my calculations, a solar probe launched from either the klingon ship or the planet's surface will take eleven seconds to reach the star. however, since we do not know the exact point of origin, it will take us between eight and fifteen seconds to lock our weapons onto it. captain, klingon vessel decloaking directly ahead. they are hailing. they have found a way to penetrate our shields. it is a class d-twelve bird of prey. they were retired from service because of defective plasma coils. i do not see how. the plasma coil is part of their cloaking device. as their cloak begins to engage, their shields will drop. aye, sir. captain, are you all right?