lieutenant pitts. transfer robau's vital signs to the main view screen. -- thank you. i want to see him -- floodlights please. he's brave. that's what he is. i'm initiating general order 13! set self-destruct for maximum matter- antimatter yield! two minute countdown! i want auto-pilot targeted for their fuel cells! then just target the damn thing dead center! -- then i'll do it myself -- get to the shuttles, now! that's an order! go! all decks, this is the captain speaking -- evacuate the ship immediately, get to your designated shuttle crafts -- i have medical shuttle 37 standing by, get to it now -- can you do that? i'm on my way. i'll see you in a minute, sweetheart. captain to shuttle 37 -- is my wife on board? i need you to go now, d'you hear me? no-- go, take off, immediately. my love? listen carefully, okay? sweetheart. i'm not going to be able to be there. hey! hey, so what is it? it's a boy? yeah? tell me. tell me about him-- please-- i know-- so what should we call him, huh? tiberius? are you kidding me? no, that's the worst-- we'll name him after your dad-- let's call him jim.