that's all you have to say? wouldn't it be easier to put an experienced crew back on the ship? 'beware romulans bearing gifts.' happy birthday. i only use it for medicinal purposes. don't be a pring. takes the stuff a while to ferment. gimme. now open the other one. more antiques for your collection -- cheers! four hundred years old. you don't find many with the lens still intact. for your eyes. for most patients of your age, i generally administer retlax five to restore flexibility of the lens. exactly. happy birthday. slide them down your nose. now look at me over the top. and you read printed matter through the bottom. say thank you. damn it, jim, what the hell's the matter? other people have birthdays. why're we treating yours like a funeral? what do you want? damn it, why isn't there a girl here? you know this has nothing to do with age. this is about you flying a goddamn computer console when you wanna be out hopping galaxies. bull. you're hiding -- hiding behind the rules and regulations -- from yourself, admiral. i'm your doctor and i'm your friend, jim. get back your command. get it back before you really do grow old. before you turn into part of this collection. shore leave, admiral. what about the rest of the inspection, admiral? would you like a tranquilizer? who's been holding up the damn elevator? has she changed her hairstyle? wonderful stuff, that romulan ale -- it never rains but when it pours -- sorry. i've got the sick bay ready. will someone please tell me what is going on? but dear lord, are we intelligent enough to -- suppose, this thing were used where life already exists? it's new -- have you any idea what you're saying? not anymore! now you can do both at the same time! according to myth, the earth was created in six days. watch out: here comes genesis; we'll do it for you in six minutes -- would you like to tell me whose are the right hands, my cold-blooded friend? are you in favor of these experiments? logic?? we're talking about universal armageddon, you inhuman bloodless. scotty, i'm sorry. doctors lose patients sometimes. damn. i'm still in the dark: how'd he know about genesis? there may still be time. you gave as good as you got. khan could be down there! i can spare me. this one looks like a steward. they're not warm, but rigor hasn't set in. this didn't happen all that long ago, jim. that's clark terrell, jim, i've served with him. brain disturbance. appears to be drug induced. it's dr. mccoy, captain. do you remember me? it's all right, you're safe. go? where are we going? but what if they went -- nowhere? genesis, i presume. jim -- for god's sake! he's alive! it wouldn't make any difference. if enterprise obeyed orders she's long since gone. and if she couldn't obey, she's finished. you and your father can catch up on things. because of you, son. you shouldn't have tried to rush someone holding a primed phaser. anyway it isn't one man dead, it's two, in case you've lost count. how can you think of food at a time like this? we thought this was genesis. it's like the garden of eden. the no-win scenario -- and with what philosophy a commander faces defeat. lieutenant, you are looking at the only starfleet cadet who ever beat the no-win scenario -- until now. i'm taking this bunch to sick bay. you'll be in the way, dr. marcus. best stay here. take it easy -- listen to me, pavel; you haven't the strength or the equilibrium -- you can help get my surgery squared away. i'm expecting customers. are you out of your vulcan mind? no human can tolerate the radiation loose in there! you're not going in there -- ! get out! get out, man! oh, dear god! he's dead already, jim. she's changed her hair again. will you look at that? think they'll name it for you, doctor? you okay, jim? how do you feel?