then again it might not. you boys have to be clear on this: there can't be so much as a microbe or the show's off. why don't you have a look? if it is something that can be moved. and bored. i know. but maybe it is something they can. i know, i know. thanks a lot. no respect from my offspring -- maybe. listen, kiddo, jim kirk was many things, but he was never a boy scout. i don't think there's another piece of information we could squeeze into the memory banks. next time, we'll design a bigger one. on the screen, please, jedda. commander, we are receiving. this is regula i. go ahead. en route? why? we weren't expecting you for another three months. has something happened? has something happened? do you read us? i still don't under -- will you please be quiet! commander chekov, this is completely irregular. who gave the order you are quoting? who gave the order? but genesis is a civilian project, under my control -- this is completely improper, commander chekov. i have no intention of allowing reliant or any other unauthorized personnel access to our work or materials. commander chekov -- ! will you please be quiet! we must have order here. this has to be some sort of mistake. i know, but -- starfleet has kept the peace for a hundred years, i cannot and will not subscribe to your interpretation of this event. get your gear together where it's handy. that's for us to know and reliant to find out. we have only three days. let's not waste time. jim. read me? can you read me? can't read you. repeat. taking genesis away from us. see you but can't hear. did you. order? please help us, jim. won't let them have. without proper. repeat. on whose authority. jim please -- i'm dr. carol marcus, and i am the director of the project genesis team at regula i. what exactly is genesis? put simply, genesis is a procedure whereby the molecular structure of any given matter can be restructured -- changed -- into anything else of identical mass. stage one of our experiments was conducted in the labora- tory. stage two of the series will be attempted in a lifeless underground; stage three will involve the process on a plane- tary scale. what follows is a computer projected simulation of stage three. please watch closely. -- unleashing, almost instantan- eously, what we call the genesis effect. particulate matter is reorganized and electrified -- with life introduced results. instead of a dead moon, a living breathing planet, capable of sus- taining whatever life forms we see fit to deposit on it. the reformed object you see represents the merest fraction of the genesis potential, should the federation wish to pursue these experiments to their logical conclusion. when we consider the problems of population and food supply, the usefulness of this process begins to become clear. this concludes this demonstration tape. thank you for your attention. the genesis team eagerly awaits the decision of the federation regarding the next phase of our work. david -- jim -- you do that and you'll have murdered your father. you've got a little grey -- david, you're just making this harder -- i don't understand. who's responsible for all this? who is khan? there's food in the genesis cave, enough to last a lifetime -- should that be necessary. this? it took the starfleet corps of engineers ten months in space suits to tunnel out all this. what we did in there -- we did in a day. david, why don't you show dr. mccoy and the lieutenant our idea of food. david. please. david was right, wasn't he? it's just to keep them busy. how can you ask me that? were we together? where we going to be? you had your world and i had mine. i wanted him in mine, not chasing through the universe with his father. he's a lot like you in many ways. nothing i could do about it. he's smarter, of course; that goes without saying. most of genesis is really his. this is it, isn't it? we're never going to get out of here. please. tell me what you're feeling. let me show you something that will make you feel young -- young as when the world was new. he'll be all right. come. the matrix formed in a day. the life forms grew later -- at a wildly accelerated rate. can i cook or can't i? only here, every apple comes from the tree of knowledge. dr. mccoy, i can't just sit here. tell me what i can do. not if i can help it. we'll name it for our friend. is that a poem?