how can you let them pull that stuff on you? they're just lazy. come on, mother, that's just the military mentality. never put off tomorrow what you can put off today. if there's one atom of life. well, don't have kittens. genesis is going to work. they'll remember you in a wreath with newton, einstein, surak. par for the course. you teaming up with me for bridge after dinner? every time we have dealings with starfleet, i get nervous. we're dealing with something that could be perverted into a dreadful weapon. remember that overgrown boy scout you used to hang out with? that's exactly the -- does that about do it? who -- pin him down, mother! who gave the orders!? i knew it! i knew it! all along the military has wanted to get their hands on this -- mistake? we're all alone here. they waited until everyone was on shift-leave to do this. reliant is supposed to be at our disposal, not vice-versa. i've tried to warn you. scientists are always pawns of the military -- you're the sonavabitch who committed mass murder up there. we were still there, you dumb bastard! we could hear the screams all the way to the transporter room -- i'm doctor marcus! mother, go back! go back. i'm going to kill him. she's making it up! my father was professor -- i knew it -- ! let go -- he can't -- ! so are we, it looks like. we appear to have plenty of time. my father. i hope you realize another man has just been killed because of. but we can't just sit here -- ! this is just to give us something to do, isn't it? come on. what are you looking at? don't you believe it. i don't know. the what? i'm going up there. it's the genesis wave! he's on a build up to detonation! we encoded four minutes -- you can't! i don't mean to intrude. are you running away from me? no. i -- i guess i'm not what you expected. that makes two of us. lieutenant saavik was right: you never have faced death -- you knew enough to tell saavik that how we face death is at least as important as how we face life -- but good words. that's where ideas begin. maybe you should listen to them. so am i. my friends were killed, too. i was wrong about you. and i'm sorry. mainly. and also that i'm proud -- very proud -- to be your son.