steady on course. all systems normal. may i speak? we're all with you, sir, but consider: we are free, we have a ship and the means to go where we will. we have escaped permanent exile on ceti alpha v. you have proved your superior intellect and defeated the plans of admiral kirk. you do not need to defeat him again. they're requesting visual communications, sir. they're still running with shields down. they still haven't raised their shields. locking phasers on target. sir -- our shields are dropping! they won't -- we can't fire, sir; they've damaged the photon controls and the warp drive. we must withdraw! sir, we must! we must repair the damage. enterprise will wait; she's not going anywhere. warp drive still inoperative. all other systems should be restored shortly. impulse power restored. departing dark side, regula. we'll lose them if they go in there. we daren't follow them into the nebula, sir -- our shields will be useless. no sir! we have genesis -- whatever you want -- inoperative. as i feared, sir. not functional. i'm reducing speed. yours. is. the superior.