i don't know you. but you. i never forget a face. mister chekov, isn't it? i never thought to see your face again. you are in a position to demand nothing, sir. i, on the other hand, am in a position to grant nothing. what you see is all that remains of the ship's company and the crew of the botany bay, marooned here fifteen years ago by captain james t. kirk. save your strength, captain, these people have sworn to live and die at my command two hundred years before you were born. do you mean he. . never told you the tale? to amuse you, captain? never told you how the enterprise picked up the botany bay, lost in space from the year 1996, myself and the ship's company in cryogenic freeze? admiral? he didn't tell you how admiral kirk sent seventy of us into exile on this barren sand heap with only the contents of these cargo bays to sustain us? this is ceti alpha v! ceti alpha vi exploded six months after we were left here. the shock shifted the orbit of this planet and everything was laid waste. admiral kirk never bothered to check on our progress. it was only the fact of my genetically engineered intellect that enabled us to survive! on earth, two hundred years ago, i was a prince, with power over millions -- now, like prometheus i have been left by admiral kirk to digest my own entrails. and i'll wager he never told you about his shipmate, the beautiful and courageous lieutenant mcgiver, who gave up everything to join me in exile. out of love. and see how admiral kirk requited her devotion -- she's dead as earth! a plague upon you all. you didn't expect to find me. you thought this was ceti alpha vi. why are you here? why? no matter. you will soon tell me willingly enough. let me introduce you to ceti alpha v's only remaining indigenous life form; what do you think? they've killed twenty of my people, including my beloved wife. oh, not all at once and not instantly, to be sure. their young enter through the ears and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex. this has the effect of rendering the victim extremely susceptible to suggestion. later, as they grow, follows madness, paralysis -- and death. these are pets, of course -- not quite domesticated. there is some pain at first, i am told, and then the effects are quite benign -- until the end. that was what i learned from watching my wife. that's better! now: tell me why you are here -- and tell me where i may find james kirk. it's not much different from enterprise. when i was a guest aboard her some years ago, captain kirk kindly allowed me to memorize her technical manuals. and now, mr. chekov, let us review: you say you have no details of project 'genesis' ? umm. and would admiral kirk have access to such information? then to whom do you report directly regarding genesis? i see. helmsman? he tasks me -- and i'll have him. i'll chase him round the moons of nibia and round the antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames before i give him up. prepare to alter course -- for space station regula i. well done, commander. slow to one-half impulse power. let's be friends. let them eat static. of course. we're one big happy fleet. ah, kirk, my old friend, do you know the klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? it is very cold in space. careful: not all at once. the engine room. lock on target and prepare to fire. you still remember, admiral. i cannot help but be touched. of course, i remember you. surely i have made my meaning plain. i mean to avenge myself upon you, admiral. i've deprived your ship of power and when i swing round i mean to deprive you of your life -- -- but i wanted you to know first who it was who had beaten you: i, khan noonian singh, the eagle you attempted to cage forever. that is a most intriguing offer. typical, i must say of your sterling character. let me think. i make you a counter-proposal, i will agree to your terms, if in addition to yourself, you turn over to me all data and material regarding the project called genesis. don't play with me, kirk, my hand is on the phaser control -- i give you sixty seconds, admiral. time is a luxury you do not have, admiral: forty-five seconds. thirty seconds. i've given you no word to keep, admiral. in my judgment, you simply have no alternative. time's up, admiral. raise them -- where's the over-ride?? at them! at them! fire! fire! why can't you? no! captain. we're waiting. what's the delay? first things first, captain. kill admiral kirk. kirk! kirk, you are still alive -- my old friend. perhaps i no longer need to try. goodbye, admiral. oh, and don't count on enterprise. she can't move. my next act will be to blow her out of the heavens. well? excellent. we have all the time in the world. more than a match for poor enterprise. visual -- where is she? there! full impulse power! not so wounded as we were led to believe -- so much the better. rake her. why are we slowing? full impulse power! full power damn you! tactical! raise the shields. aft-torpedoes -- fire -- ! joachim! i shall avenge you -- where is he? where in god's name is he? no. kirk. the game's not over. to the last i will grapple with thee! no. you can't get away. from hell's heart i stab at thee. for hate's sake. i spit my last breath at thee!