prayer, mr. saavik. the klingons do not take prisoners. captain. physician, heal thyself. i'm not a drama critic. well, mr. saavik, are you going to stay with the sinking ship? very well. and why not? a no-win situation is a possibility every commander may face. has that never occurred to you? how we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life, wouldn't you say? then you have something new to think about. carry on. they'll learn. galloping about the cosmos is a game for the young, doctor. aren't you dead? i assume you are loitering here to learn what efficiency rating i plan to give your cadets. they destroyed the simulator room and you with it. it had the virtue of never having been tried. so you said at the time. speaking of which, your protg's first rare -- a trifle emotional -- than you. yes, i see that. by the way, thank you for this. 'it was the best of times, it was the worst of times' message, spock? hrummm. and where are you off to, now? home. something. come. bless me, doctor; and what beams you into this neck of the woods? romulan ale! bones, you know this stuff is illegal -- twenty-two, eighty-three. i'm almost afraid to. what did you bring me, contraband klingon -- cheers. bones, these are. charming. uh -- what are they? but i'm allergic to retlax. amazing! i don't know what to say -- thank you. bones, i don't want to be lectured. spare me your notions of poetry, please. we all have our assigned duties and. and who am i hiding from? don't mince words, bones; tell me what you really think. i really must thank you. i cut your new orders personally. by the end of the month, you'll have your first command: uss excelsior. you've earned it. but i'm still grateful to have you at the helm for three weeks. i don't believe these kids can steer. permission to come aboard, captain? yes, we've been through death and life together. mr. scott, you old space dog. you're well? oh? a wee bout of what, mr. scott? ah. and who is this? your first training voyage, mr. preston? i see. well, shall we start with the engine room? very good, mr. spock. oh do you? have you any idea, midshipman preston, how many times i've had to listen to mr. scott on the comm, telling me his troubles? have you any idea the ribbing i've had to endure in the officers' mess to the effect that the enterprise is a flying death trap? midshipman, you're a tiger. every young boy's fancy. i seem to remember it myself. very well. mr. scott, are your engines capable of handling a minor training cruise? mr. scott, the word is given. the inspection will continue once we're underway, doctor. to be sure, captain. captain's discretion. lieutenant, are you wearing your hair differently? lieutenant, self-expression does not seem to be one of your problems. you earned it. you're bothered by your performance on the kobayashi maru. there is no correct resolution. it is a test of character. you may ask, lieutenant. that was a little joke. we learn by doing, lieutenant. you want my advice? take the test again. kirk here. in my quarters, uhura. as a physician you of all people should appreciate the danger of re-opening old wounds. uhura. can't you augment? message breaking up, carol. what's wrong? what's wrong? repeat. what's wrong? what's wrong? taking genesis? who? who is taking genesis? what order? who's taking genesis? carol! uhura! what's happening? damn it. damn. alert starfleet headquarters. i want to talk with starfleet command. stop engines. an emergency situation has arisen. by order of starfleet command, as of now, 1800 hours, i am assuming command of this vessel. duty officer so note in the ship's log. plot a new course: for space laboratory regula i. mr. scott? we'll be going to warp speed -- engage warp engines -- mr. sulu, go to warp 5. we've got a problem. something may be wrong at regula i. we've been ordered to investigate. i told starfleet all we had was a boatload of children but we're the only ship in the quadrant. spock: those cadets of yours -- how good are they? how will they respond under real pressure? that won't be necessary: just take me to regula i. but it may be nothing; garbled communications. why don't you. you are going to remind me that logic alone dictates your actions. i would not presume to debate you. or the one. will you accompany me to the bridge? how far? give up genesis, she said. what in god's name does that mean? give it up to whom? uhura, ask dr. mccoy to join us in my quarters. mr. saavik, take the con. computer. request security procedure and access to project genesis summary. kirk, admiral james t., starfleet general staff. security class 1. summary, please. yes. wait -- the power of creation -- the tape was made a year ago. i can only assume they've reached phase two by now -- gentlemen, this isn't -- what do you make of her? chekov's on reliant, isn't he? try the emergency channels. picture, mr. saavik. is it possible their comm system has failed -- ? visual. this is damned peculiar. yellow alert. spock? raise shields! energize phasers, stand by to -- mr. sulu. the shields! scotty! uhura, turn off those damn channels!! scotty, let's have it. who? who knew just where to hit us? and why? visual! mr. sulu, divert everything to the phasers -- hang on! scotty -- what's left? we don't have minutes. can you give me phaser power? who the hell are they? on screen. do it, while we have time. khan! what is the meaning of this attack? where is the crew of the reliant? khan, listen to me -- if its me you want, i'll have myself beamed aboard. all i ask is that you spare my crew. genesis, what's that? give me some time to recall the data on our computers -- at least we know he hasn't got it. just keep nodding as though i'm giving orders. saavik, punch up the data charts of reliant's command console -- hurry. it's all we've got. we're finding it. please, please -- you've got to give us time -- the bridge is smashed, computers inoperative. you've got to learn why things work on a starship. it's coming through now, khan. to prevent an enemy from doing just what we're attempting; using our console to tap in a message, an order to lower reliant's damn shields. wait for my signal, spock -- too soon and he'll have time to figure it out and raise them again. khan, how do i know you'll keep your word? i take your point. stand by to receive our transmission. mr. sulu, lock phasers on target and await my command. here it comes. now, spock. fire! i did nothing -- except get caught with my britches down. i must be senile. mr. saavik, you just keep right on quoting regulations. meantime, let's find out what the hell is going on and see how bad we've been -- the word is given: warp speed. he wants to kill me for passing sentence on him 14 years ago -- and he doesn't care who stands between him and his vengeance. if he hadn't, we'd be space by now. yes, spock. best speed to regula i. kirk out. scotty, i've got to ask: any chance of getting the mains back on the line? are you all right? at the moment that question takes a back seat to preventing him from laying his hands on it. you said it yourself; we're talking about a bang that would re-arrange the universe. i got beat. we're only alive because i knew something about these ships that he didn't. try again. sensors, captain? and no way of knowing if reliant is still in the area. blind as a tiberian bat. what do you make of the plantoid beyond? reliant could be hiding behind that rock. engine room. scotty, do we have enough power for the transporters? i'm going down to the station. he's been there and hasn't found what he wants. can you spare someone? there may be people hurt. there is no such regulation. all right, join the party. mr. spock, the ship is yours. establish a parking orbit around the station and send me a complete damage report when you've talked with mr. scott. hello! anybody here? phasers on stun. move out. they even killed the galley chief. carol. my god! saavik, for god's sake, tell her we're all right. easy, pavel. tell me what you can. captain. where is dr. marcus? where are the genesis materials? erased. he came damn close. i know what he blames me for. the escape pods are all in place. where's the transporter room? did he make it down here? somebody left the unit on. if everyone else was dead, it implies that no one remained to turn it off. those people back there bought escape time for genesis with their lives. if stage two was completed, it was underground -- she said it was going to be underground. kirk to enterprise. damage report, spock? i read you, captain. let's have it. meaning you can't even beam us back? captain spock, if you do not hear from us within one hour your orders are to restore what power you can, take the enterprise to the nearest star base and alert starfleet command when you are out of jamming range. uhura, if you don't hear from us, there won't be anybody behind. kirk out. you gentleman can remain here, or. very well. let's go. where they went. saavik. then this will be your big chance to get away from it all. i'm admiral kirk. where's dr. marcus -- carol. is that true? why didn't you tell me? chekov -- ! khan, you bloodsucker, they're finished! you'll have to do your own dirty work now. do you hear me? do you? still, 'old friend.' you've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target. khan, you have genesis, but you don't have me! you were going to kill me, khan, it was your sole purpose. you'll have to come down here to do it! you'll have to come down! khan -- ! khan! pavel? it's a long story. do you have anything to eat? i don't know about anyone else, but i'm starved. our first order of business is survival. oh, yes we can. is there really something to eat? as your teacher mr. spock is fond of saying: i like to think there always are possibilities. why? why didn't you tell me? there's a man i haven't seen in fifteen years who thinks he's killed me. you show me a son who'd almost be happy to help him. my son. my life that could have been and wasn't. what am i feeling? i'm feeling old -- worn out. you did this -- in a day?! now that's what i call a meal. what's on your mind, lieutenant? are you asking me if we are playing out that scenario now, lieutenant? and almost got tossed out of the academy. i reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship. i changed the conditions of the test. i received a commendation for original thinking. i don't like to lose. we each face death every day we're alive, saavik. spock, this is kirk. it's two hours. are you about ready? right. i don't like to lose. come, come, lieutenant, you of all people go by the book. hello, spock. you remember dr. marcus. regulation 46-a: 'if transmissions are being monitored during battle' hours instead of days, saavik; now we have minutes instead of hours -- what is working around here? that's it? battle stations. tactical. uh oh. scotty, can we make it inside? no promises, mr. scott. on your way. best speed, scotty. steady as you go. they just don't want us going in there. uhura, patch me in -- i'll say this for him: he's consistent. best guess, mr. sulu. fire when ready. hold your course. look sharp. evasive starboard! phaser bank one, fire! damage, scotty? all right, we'll do the job with auxiliary power. man the weapons console, mr. chekov. spock? he won't break off now. if he followed me this far he'll be back. but from where? mr. saavik, all stop. descend ten thousand meters. stand by photon torpedoes. fire. cease fire. look sharp. mr. scott, can you get the mains back on line? uhura, send to commander, reliant: prepare to be boarded. we'll beam aboard. alert transporter room -- what? how soon -- we'll beam aboard and stop it -- scotty, i need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead! scotty! saavik, get us out, best speed! time from my mark. engine room! what's happening?! time! distance from reliant. bless you, scotty. go, saavik! reduce speed. my god, carl. look at it. engine room. well done. scotty? saavik, take the con. he'll die -- ! oh, god. spock! yes -- the good of the few. spock! no! in accordance with the traditions of starfleet and of article 184 starfleet regulations, we are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. and yet, in the midst of our sorrow it should be noted that this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world, a world that our beloved comrade gave his own life to protect and nourish. he did not feel that sacrifice a vain or empty one -- and we will not debate his profound wisdom, in these proceedings. of my friend, i can only say this, that of all the souls i have encountered in my travels, his was the most -- -- human. lieutenant saavik. lieutenant. after you dismiss the company, you will take the watch. set course for ceti alpha v and we'll pick up survivors. i'll be in my quarters if needed, but i would prefer. dismiss the company. yes. come. uh, no. i should be on the bridge. i suppose i was. i poured a drink. would you like it? i didn't expect anything. not like this -- no. i haven't faced death, i cheated death. i tricked my way out of death and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. i know nothing. it was just words. i'm trying, david. i am truly sorry. is that what you came here to say? as you were, mr. saavik. good, i believe you already know my, uh, son -- yes, well, why don't you show him around and. it is a far far better thing i do than i have ever done before. a far better resting place i go to than i have ever known. something spock was trying to tell me. on my birthday. young. i feel young, doctor. lieutenant, new course: 'second star to the right and straight on till morning.'