project parabolic course to avoid entering neutral zone. can you amplify? on speakers! in the neutral zone. data on kobayashi maru! tactical! damn. mr. sulu, plot an intercept course. i'm aware of my responsibilities, mister. stand by transporter room, ready to beam survivors, aboard. visual! battle stations! activate shields! inform the klingons we are on a rescue mission. we're over our heads. mr. sulu, get us out of here. visual! evasive action! engineering! damage report! engage auxiliary power. prepare to return fire! fire all phasers! activate escape pods. send out the log buoy. all hands abandon ship. repeat -- all hands -- any suggestions, admiral? permission to speak candidly, sir? i don't believe this was a fair test of my command capabilities. because. there was no way to win. no, sir. it has not. as i indicated, admiral, that thought had not occurred to me. he's not what i expected, sir. he's very human. as always, my mentor. company dismiss. aye, sir. all moorings are clear, captain. never, sir. aye, sir. aft thrusters, mr. sulu. ahead one quarter impulse power. course heading, captain? thank you, sir. it is still regulation, admiral. may i speak, sir? i wish to thank you for the high efficiency rating. i did not think so. i failed to resolve the situation. may i ask how you dealt with the test? humor. that is a difficult concept . it is not logical. yes. thank you, sir. prepare for warp speed. sir, may i quote general order 12: 'on the approach of any vessel, when communications have not been est -- aye, sir. energize defense fields. who? reliant's command. on screen. i don't understand -- begging the admiral's pardon: general order 15: 'no flag officer shall beam into a hazardous area without armed escort.' indeterminate life signs. commander uhura, this is lt. saavik. we're all right. please stand by. out. that's true, admiral. all the memory cells have been emptied. where is the reliant crew? dead? anything? it doesn't make sense. these coordinates are well within regula -- a plantoid we know to be lifeless and airless. stage two of what? ready. admiral -- only half of you would get there. this is lt. saavik, calling enterprise. no use, admiral, they're still jamming all channels. admiral? the admiral's son. oh, i believe it. what are you looking at? the kobayashi maru, sir. on the test, sir, will you tell me what you did? i'd really like to know. how? what? then -- you never faced that situation -- faced death. but the damage report -- we were immobilized. by the book. '. no uncoded messages on an open channel' you lied. trouble with the nebula, sir, is all that static discharge and gas clouds our tactical display. visuals won't function and shields will be useless. admiral. what happens if reliant fails to follow us into the nebula? that was close -- at what. all stop, sir. power levels quite low, sir. aye, sir. two minutes, ten seconds. three minutes, thirty seconds. we commend the soul of our brother departed. we love we commit his body to the depths of space. aye, sir. understood, sir. admiral on the bridge! aye, sir. on course to ceti alpha. all is well. aye, sir -- so you turn out to be the dumb bastard. that is a little joke.