no power to the weapons system, sir. trainees to the briefing room. i am understandably curious. the kobayshi maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc with students and equipment. as i recall you took the test three times yourself. your final solution was, shall we say, unique? yours was not a solution which would have occurred to a vulcan mentality. she's half romulan, jim. the admixture makes her more volatile than -- me, for example. i know of your fondness for antiques. none of which i am consciously aware -- except, of course, happy birthday -- surely the best of times. the enterprise. i must check in before your inspection. and you? something oppresses you. prepare for admiral's inspection. open the air lock. welcome aboard, admiral. i believe you know my trainee crew. certainly they have come to know you. we'll see you on the bridge, admiral. what did you expect, lieutenant? we can't all be perfect, saavik. you must control your prejudices and remember that as a vulcan as well as a romulan you are forever a stranger in an alien land. around you are humans, and as a member of the starfleet you are unlikely ever to escape their presence or their influence. you must learn to tolerance in addition to all else i have taught you. tolerance is logical. very well, mr. saavik, clear all moorings. thank you, mr. saavik. lieutenant, how many times have you piloted a starship out of spacedock? take her out, mr. saavik. there's a first time for everything, admiral. mr. sulu, you may follow your nose. regula i is a scientific research laboratory, if memory serves. like all living beings, admiral each according to his gifts. the ship is yours. excuse my presumption, but i do not agree. as a teacher on a training mission, i am content to command a starship. if we are to go on actual duty, it is clear that the senior officer aboard must assume command. you proceed from a false assumption. i am a vulcan. i have no ego to bruise. i was going to remind you of nothing, least of all that which you know well. your mistake, if i may be so bold, was promotion. commanding a starship is your first best destiny. anything else is a waste of material. that is wise. in any case, were i to invoke logic, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. you are my superior officer. you are also my friend. i have been and always shall be yours. i'd best talk with mr. scott, first so that he may, in his own words, explain the situation to his cadets. but no longer jammed? there are two possibilities, sir they are unwilling to respond, they are unable to respond. twelve hours and forty-three minutes, present speed. it might help my analysis if i knew what genesis was. carol marcus -- fascinating. it literally is genesis. have they proceeded with their experiments? it would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix -- i was not attempting to evaluate its moral implications, doctor. as a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create -- i don't dispute that in the wrong hands -- really, dr. mccoy; you cannot ban the acquisition of knowledge because you distrust the moral implications of what you learn. logic suggests -- what's she doing here? attempt visual communication. it would explain a great many things -- lieutenant, the admiral is aware of the regulations. scanning. their coil emissions are normal. wait: their shields are going up. they're locking phasers -- ! they knew just where to hit us. one thing is certain; we cannot escape on auxiliary power. too late -- not enough against their shields. admiral, you can't give him genesis. the prefix code? the prefix code is 16309. all commands from each starship bridge are relayed electronically; each ship has its own prefix combination code. let's hope he hasn't changed the combination. he's quite intelligent. scanners and sensors still inoperative. there's no way to tell what's inside the station. affirmative, admiral. regula is class "d'. it consists of various remarkable ores. essentially, a great rock in space. a distinct possibility. aye sir -- be careful, jim. certainly. i exaggerated. they're inoperative below c-deck. not much, admiral. we have partial main power. best we could do in two hours. she can out-run us and out-gun us. but there is the mutara nebula at 153 mark four. what's sauce for the goose, mr. saavik. the odds will be even. i think we can guarantee she'll follow us, mr. saavik. remind me to explain to you the concept of human ego. estimating nebula penetration in two minutes. reliant is closing. one minute to nebula perimeter. admiral, they're reducing speed. and we're. in. sporadic energy readings port side, aft. could be an impulse turn. he's intelligent, but not experienced. his pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. admiral. scanning an energy source on reliant. a pattern i've never seen. but, as you are so fond of observing, doctor, i'm not human. i'm afraid i can't stop to discuss this logically -- the ship -- out of danger? don't grieve, admiral -- it's logical: the good of the many outweighs -- or the one. i never took the kobayashi maru test -- until now. what do you think of my solution? i have been -- and always will be -- your friend. live. long. and. prosper.