leaving section fourteen for section fifteen. aye, captain. course change projected. may i remind the captain that if a starship enters the zone -- now entering the neutral zone. estimating two minutes to intercept. shields activated! i'll try, captain. enterprise, this is admiral kirk's party on final approach. i am delighted; any chance to go aboard enterprise, however briefly, is always an excuse for nostalgia. thank you, sir. i've looked forward to this for a long time. admiral on the bridge! aft thrusters, sir. ahead one quarter impulse power. we are clear and free to navigate. stop engines. course plotted for regula i, admiral. ready, sir. reliant in our section this quadrant, sir, and slowing -- trying, sir! i can't get power, sir! phasers locked. sir, you did it. approaching regula and space lab regula i. admiral on the bridge -- phaser lock inoperative, sir. honors -- hup! return -- hup!