captain. i'm getting something on the distress channel. minimal signal. but something. i'm trying. it's an emergency distress call! this is the starship enterprise. your message is breaking up. give your coordinates. repeat -- captain, i've lost their signal! they're jamming all frequencies, captain -- what is that supposed to mean? i'm trying, sir. stand by. again, this is enterprise calling space lab regula i. come in, please. dr. marcus. please respond, please -- it's no use; no response from regula i. no, sir. no nothing. she's not responding. enterprise to reliant. come in, reliant. yes, sir. i'm getting a voice message. wait . short range band. they say their chambers coil is shorting their comm system. mr. scott on discrete. admiral. commander reliant is signaling. he wishes to discuss terms of our surrender. admiral -- space station regular i, this is starship enterprise. come in, please. i say again. space station regular. this is starship enterprise. please respond. please respond. no response, sir. i say again. this is enterprise. please acknowledge signal. please -- aye, aye. aye, sir. aye, sir. enterprise to reliant: you are ordered to surrender your vessel. respond! nothing, sir.