maybe-- i have no interest. i'm about to ask you an obvious question: why bother? and you're determined to make it three. we've all failed it-- everyone has, and that's the point! no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds -- it's not like you need to pass it to graduate. i told you to stop calling me that. you're very annoying. you'd better study for it this time. a date? listen, as smart as you are, which ain't much, if you don't prepare-- seriously, stop calling me bones! "bones". klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone. and they are firing upon us. it's okay? three more klingon warbirds decloaking -- and targeting our ship -- i don't suppose this is a problem either? our ship is being hit -- shields at sixty percent. should we at least, i dunno, fire back? of course not. jim, their shields are up. no. i don't know, but i like him. jim, the board'll rule in your favor. most likely. look, jim -- i gotta go -- doing you a favor. i couldn't just leave you there, looking all pitiful-- roll up your sleeve, i'm gonna give you a vaccine against viral infection from melvaran mud fleas. but i am, and medical code states the treatment and transport of a patient's to be determined at the discretion of his attending physician, which is me. you can see he's suffering, he needs me as his doctor, so since i'm assigned to this ship, so's he, or would you like to explain to captain pike why the enterprise warped into a crisis without one of its medical officers? as you were. you should look at this. oh look, the pointy-eared bastard. jim, i told you to stay d-- good god! -- i don't know-- a reaction to the vaccine -- damnit -- -- you're not allergic to cardassian vole dander, are you? you need an antidote, jim, or you're gonna die. jim, i'm not kidding, you gotta keep your heart rate down. i haven't seen a reaction this severe since med school. you're delusional, you know that. come here -- jim -- don't move -- -- you've got numb tongue -- that's not good-- i can fix that-- yessir. it's mccoy-- dr. puri was on deck 6, he's dead. aye, sir. and how the hell did they do that by the way? when did they jump so far ahead in the arms race? damnit, man, i'm a doctor, not a physicist -- are you suggesting they're from the future? how poetic. fantastic, i'm in. does anyone understand him? you wanted to see me? are you thanking me? permission to speak freely, sir. do you. okay then: are you out of your vulcan mind? were you doing the logical thing? maybe. the right one? debatable. but one thing's for damn sure -- that kid doesn't know how to lose. just isn't in his dna. back home we have a saying: "if you're gonna ride in the kentucky derby, don't leave your prize stallion in the stable." my god, man. you could at least act like it was a hard decision. congratulations, jim. now we've got no captain and no first officer to goddamn replace him. what?! even if we could, you can't go in guns blazing, not with their technology, that's suicide. wait a minute-- anyone understand this kid? how old are you? we're all old enough to shave here. -- we're gonna need gastric stimulators, let's prep him for surgery, now! same ship, different day.