it'll serve you right. sort of like losing a son and gaining an empath, isn't it? if you start tearing up i promise to beam you out. level one medical emergency. there's no crying in starfleet. commander worf. do klingons swing? don't worry, i'm a doctor. i'm so glad you made it back to the enterprise before i left. who'd have guessed? i think you have nicer eyes. excuse me. i have some diagnostics to run on some medical scanner things. there's no doubt, captain. right down to your regressive strain of shalaft's syndrome. he's a clone. about twenty-five years ago. they probably used a hair follicle or skin cell. it has the ability to consume organic material at the subatomic level. i can't overestimate the danger of thalaron radiation, jean luc. a microscopic amount could kill every living thing on this ship in a matter of seconds. you're working late. he was a bit proud as i recall. he turned out all right. is he very much like you were? jean luc -- whatever you were -- right now you're the man you've made yourself. he's someone else. aside from slightly elevated adrenalin and serotonin levels, you're completely normal. will, i need to talk to you. the more i studied his dna the more confusing it got. finally i could only come to one conclusion. shinzon was created with temporal rna sequencing. he was designed so that at a certain point his aging process could be accelerated to reach your age more quickly, so he could replace you. as a result the temporal sequencing was never activated. remember, he was supposed to replace you at nearly your current age. he was engineered to skip thirty years of life. but since the rna sequencing was never activated, his cellular structure has started to break down. he's dying. not without a complete myelodysplastic infusion from the only donor with compatible dna. but that would mean draining all your blood. i can't be sure but the rate of decay seems to be accelerating. but we do have one advantage. he needs your blood to live. he might come after you first. that was another time. jean luc. . he is not you. you can't imagine them, jean luc. they're kids! all with advance degrees in xenobiology and out to conquer every disease in the quadrant. they're running me ragged. nothing but questions day and night. i love it! come to dinner and i'll tell you all about it. there's a bajoran band at the officer's mess. soon then. i'll save the last dance for you.