really, captain, it was a lovely toast. and you needn't worry. i'll brief your new counselor on everything she needs to know. all right, go ahead. with pleasure, captain. it's tradition,worf. you of all people should appreciate that! besides, i've already seen it. don't be too sure. mother will be there. you better believe you're engaged! and after the ceremony on betazed, three entire weeks for our honeymoon. it's meant to be relaxing. do you have a moment, sir? it's about data i've watched him with the b-9 and i'm troubled. data's desire for a "family" is very strong. i'm afraid he may be investing too much in the b-9. the b-9 is like a slow child, sir. and data, in his own way, has assumed the position of a parent or guardian. i'm afraid he has expectations based on his own experiences. he'll be disappointed when the b-9 cannot meet those expectations. i don't believe that, sir. we've shared many disappointing journeys. and i you. thank you, sir. they're out there, sir. i'm only half human. i would say he's been trained to resist telepathy. what i could sense of his emotions were erratic, very hard to follow. i don't know. sir, the strongest sense i had was that he's more than curious about you. he very much wants to know you. the same way you want to know him. captain, don't assume he's anything like you are. you should resist the urge to think you know him. will, you need to rest. as ship's counselor, i'm recommending you get me sleep. we have time. come to bed. no! this isn't real. you sick bastard! you're not here. no. it was. a violation. shinzon's viceroy seems to have the ability to reach into my thoughts. i've become a liability. i request to be relieved of my duties. how can you be certain? captain -- i might have a way to find them. the one thing he may have forgotten in the course of battle: me. he's resisting me. remember me? now! they're stopping. but how can he? he'll kill you. let him go. data.