i don't blame them. we can't keep them in the dark forever. they support your intentions, sir. but they require evidence of your. sincerity. how long before he has us in the dilithium mines? does anyone in this room harbor any illusions about what he means by "showing proper respect"? should he? are you prepared to have your hands drenched in blood? he'll show them no mercy. and his sins will mark us all for generations. is that what you truly want, romulans? i think you should consider that question now -- or else you may have a lifetime to think about it in the dilithium mines. captain picard, commander donatra of the warbird valdore. might we be of assistance? the empire considers this a matter of internal security. we regret you've become involved. romulan ale, captain. let's get to work. valdore out. she's losing her cloak! stand by all forward disruptor banks! i'm afraid that drink will have to wait, captain. for the moment. but we're dead in the water. this is commander donatra of the valdore. we're dispatching shuttles with medical personnel and supplies.