disruptor beams appear from nowhere -- streaking through space -- slamming into the enterprise's warp drive. the enterprise recoils, dangerously dropping out of warp in a furious lurch. the enterprise fires her phasers simultaneously -- the energy beams shoot into space -- the invisible warbird makes a dramatic run straight over the enterprise -- firing steadily down as it sweeps past it; is a brutal, close range assault -- the enterprise instantly complies -- rolling completely over to the left, firing phasers up as shinzon's invisible ship streaks above it -- it is a chaos of starships as the enterprise and the two warbirds fire steadily -- illuminating the scimitar's shields. the enterprise quickly turns about -- firing her aft phasers, as the valdore sweeps toward shinzon's ship, firing -- the scimitar lurches to a stop! too fast for the valdore to respond in time -- it flies over the scimitar -- the invisible scimitar sweeps past for a particularly brutal assault -- disruptor blasts streak along the enterprise's hull -- a huge, ripping series of explosions tear away several decks of the enterprise -- a full spread of photon torpedoes shoot through space. and the enterprise attacks! the enterprise powers forward in a final thrust -- ! a massive collision as the enterprise slams into the scimitar -- as it smashes and grinds into shinzon's ship -- the two great ships are now locked together, slowly rotating in space. every part of the enterprise rocks -- a great lurch as the scimitar begins to tear itself free -- backing away -- a deafening shriek of metal -- both ships are being torn to pieces in the process -- but it is working -- the scimitar is ripping free, wrenching itself loose. -- into space. the scimitar blasts apart in a massive flash --