not likely. after we installed the new series four replicators, he tried to order his usual tea and there was a glitch. had us remove the whole bunch of them and put the old ones back in. he just likes things the way he likes them. of course, so do i. it is, old chum. it's very faint but i've isolated it to the third planet in the kolarin system. uncharted. we'll have to get closer for a more detailed scan. how many of you did dr. soong make? what do you think, data, a long- lost relative? i read six distinct positronic signatures, spread out over a few kilometers on the surface. captain, i don't recommend transporting, that ion storm doesn't look very neighborly. it could head this way without much warning. well, he seems to have the same internal mechanics as data but not as much positronic development. the neural pathways aren't nearly as sophisticated. i'd say he's a prototype. something dr. soong created before data. then how did a reman get to be praetor? i don't get it. i can't believe the captain went along with a memory download. he'd have all your memories too. you feel comfortable with that? an individual more like you, you mean. maybe he's not supposed to be like you. maybe he's supposed to be just like he is. okay. we're done. do you know my name? data, he's assimilating a lot of programming. remember, he's a prototype, a lot less sophisticated than you are. we just don't know if his matrix will be able to adapt. or if he'll be able to retain anything. we should give him some time. it seems to be a redundant memory port. maybe it's for provisional memory storage in case his neural pathways overload? it's possible the extra memory port is interfering with the engram processing. mind if i keep him here and run some diagnostics? don't give up hope, data. i know, i know, you're not capable of hope. it's going to take some time to find out -- the data stream was rerouted through substations all over the ship. that's what i don't get -- it's mostly basic stellar cartography: star charts; communications protocols; some uplinks from colony tracking stations. it's not even restricted material. there's something else. i was reviewing the sensor logs. when the scimitar decloaked there was a momentary spike in the tertiary em band -- there -- you're not going to believe this but it's thalaron. which is why our initial scans didn't pick it up. but he's got it, captain. his cloak is perfect. no tachyon emissions, no residual antiprotons. it's called a cascading biogenic pulse. the unique properties of thalaron radiation allow the energy beam to expand almost without limits. depending on the radiant intensity it could encompass a ship. or a planet. no, sir. he disabled our warp drive with his first shot. we've only got impulse. emergency force fields are holding. he's getting his cloak back. we have exhausted our compliment of photon torpedoes. phaser banks are down to four percent. what's he doing? sir? aye, sir. ready, sir! the targeting sequence should take about four minutes. sir, we won't be able to bring you back. it's a one way trip. captain, i don't know if the transporter -- aye, sir. that's it. transporters are down. 400 meters. sir, we're being hailed. i'll take care of it, sir.