picard goes to his command chair: the crew is tense. silence. the crew gapes at the huge ship on the viewscreen. the crew sees the scorpion appear on the viewscreen. picard and data emerge from the turbolift as the ship the bridge shakes violently under the ruthless attack-- picard strides to his command chair as two romulan warbirds appear on the viewscreen. deanna is now on the bridge. the ship rocks dangerously! a bloody commander donatra is talking to picard on viewscreen. her bridge is in ruins. deanna concentrates furiously, eyes closed. she stands with worf, her hand slowly moving his over the photon torpedo targeting display. deanna continues to move worf's hand over the targeting display. she is sweating, panting for breath, concentrating fiercely. her eyes snap open -- picard stands quickly. the scimitar sweeps into view on the viewscreen -- filling the screen -- and launches a ferocious volley of photon torpedoes. picard stands. watching the scimitar maneuver into position. large parts of it are now cloaked. picard is still entering commands in his chair console. everyone goes flying! the whole enterprise bridge quakes as the scimitar continues to pull itself free -- picard and the others watch the monstrous cascading pulse weapon slowly deploying. picard re-materializes. they emerge to the bridge as worf is arguing with the cocky young ensign busy installing picard's new high-tech command chair.