jean luc. how'd you like a trip to romulus? all expenses paid? a diplomatic mission. we've been invited, believe it or not. seems there's been some kind of internal political shakeup. the new praetor, someone called shinzon, has requested a federation envoy. there's more. as always. he's reman. believe me, we don't understand it either. you're the closest ship so i want you to high tail it over there and hear what he has to say. get the lay of the land, if the empire becomes unstable, it could mean trouble for the entire quadrant. we're sending you all the intelligence we have, but it's not much. i don't need to tell you to watch your back, jean luc. the son'a, the borg, the romulans, the evil soran and that pesky nexus. you seem to get all the easy assignments! let's hope that luck holds. janeway out.