no, no speeches. no clothes either. i don't think we're going to see much combat on betazed. diverting to the kolarin system takes us awfully close to the romulan neutral zone. thank you, sir. mister branson, set course for the kolarin system. warp five -- -- warp seven. engage. captain, i hope i don't have to remind you -- sir -- geordi? worf! wonderful! i'll be right there!. duty calls, gentlemen. carry on. we're going sailing on the opal sea. we've booked an old-fashioned solar catamaran. just us and the sun and the waves. well, that sounds relaxing too. so they've got him up and running. runs in the family. captain, you have an alpha priority communication from starfleet command. romulus? but they also have the reputation of being formidable warriors. in the dominion war, reman forces were used as assault troops in the most violent encounters. we have to assume he had romulan collaborators. the praetor's power has always been the romulan fleet. they must be behind him. why don't they answer our hails? it's working. captain, with all due respect to diplomatic protocols -- the federation council's not sitting out here, we are. my god. she's not out for a pleasure cruise. not very chatty. you seem very familiar with our personnel. why? some honeymoon. imzadi, what am i going to do with you? deanna?! what's with the name calling? worf! raise shields ! keep at it, geordi. find a way in. worf! lock on transporters! he wasn't designed to live a complete, human life span. that's why he went to all that trouble to capture you. sir? oh boy. destroy humanity and the federation is crippled. and there's no way to penetrate his cloak? he could pass within 10 meters of every ship in starfleet and they'd never know. strength in numbers? yes, sir. he's firing through his cloak. we can't get a lock. defensive pattern kirk epsilon. geordi, get those shields online. unless we can disable his cloak we're just going to be firing in the dark. believe it or not, i think the cavalry has arrived. keep our bow to the scimitar. auxiliary power to forward shields. bring us about! evacuate those decks and reroute field power to forward shields. let's go. worf. don't worry -- hell is dark. sir? she's the most beautiful ship i've ever seen. . but she's not the enterprise. anything. i intend to. serving with you has been an honor.