outside, all of you! now! y'alright, son? i couldn't believe when the bartender told me who you are. your father's son. for my dissertation, i was assigned the u.s.s. kelvin. something i admired about your dad. he didn't believe in no-win scenarios. depends on how you define winning. you're here, aren't you? that instinct to leap without looking-- that was his nature, too. and in my opinion it's something starfleet has lost. we're admirable, respectable. but overly-disciplined. those cadets you took on, they'll make competent officers -- but you can bet your ass they'll run home to momma the minute they're looking down the barrel of a klingon phaser cannon. i looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor. your aptitude tests were off the charts-- what is it, d'you like being the only genius level repeat-offender in the midwest? so your daddy dies. you can settle for a less-than-ordinary life. or do you feel like you're meant for something better? something special? enlist in starfleet. if you're half the man your father was, jim, starfleet could use you. you could be an officer in four years, have your own ship in eight. riverside shipyard. shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow, 0800. your father was captain of a starship. for twelve minutes. i dare you to do better. no. guess not. hold her a second. cheating isn't winning. the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today, but her christening will have to be our reward for a safe return-- all decks, this is captain pike. prepare for immediate departure. helm, thrusters. set course for vulcan. maximum warp. punch it. lieutenant, where's helmsman mckenna? -- and you are a pilot, right? is the parking brake on? the external inertial dampener. that's. the parking brake. let's punch it! russian whiz kid-- what's your name again? chanko? cherpov? fine, chekov, pavel h.: begin shipwide mission broadcast. cadet kirk, i think you've had enough attention for one day -- dr. mccoy, return to medical, we'll have words later. and you know of this prison escape how? scan vulcan space, check if any transmissions are being made in romulan. how about you -- you speak romulan, cadet? uhura, relieve the lieutenant -- mr. hannity, hail the u.s.s. truman. shields up. ready all weapons. full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees! drop us down underneath them! prepare to fire all weapons! get me starfleet command! all power to forward shields -- prepare to fire all weapons! divert auxiliary power from port nacelle to the shields--! i am captain christopher pike, to whom am i speaking? you've declared war against the federation. withdraw, and i'll agree to arrange a conference with romulan leadership at a neutral loca-- i understand that -- i need officers who have been trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat! then come with me -- kirk, you too-- you're not supposed to be here anyway. radio the engine room, have chief engineer olsen meet us at shuttle bay five. let's go. without transporters, we can't beam off the ship, can't assist vulcan, can't do our job. i'm creating an opportunity: mr. kirk, mr. sulu and mr. olson will space-jump from the shuttle. you'll have chutes -- you'll land on that machine they've lowered into the atmosphere that's scrambling our gear-- you'll get inside, disable that thing then beam back to the ship. mr. spock, i'm leaving you in command of the ship. once we have transport capability and communications back up, you'll contact starfleet and report what the hell's happening here. something you've got only precious few minutes to figure out. if all else fails, fall back and rendezvous with the fleet in the laurentian system. kirk. i'm promoting you to first officer. while i'm gone we need to keep the chain of command. and you two make a swell team. it's not a prank, spock. and i'm not the captain. you are. i guess you'll have to come get me. careful with the ship. she's brand new. suit up, gentlemen. pre-jump on one: three, two, one. good luck. i'm captain christopher pi-- so much for diplomacy. christopher pike -- captain, u.s.s. enterprise, registry ncc-1701. no. you answer for the genocide you just committed on a peaceful planet-- then nero, you're confused. romulus has not been destroyed. how can you blame the federation for something that hasn't happened--? if what you say is true. you can save romulus. you have a second chance to -- then we have nothing more to discuss. how reassuring. christopher pike -- captain, u.s.s. enterprise, registry ncc-1701. kirk? i am relieved. congratulations, captain. i am relieved. and as fleet admiral, for your. unique solution to the kobayashi maru, it's my honor to award you with a commendation for original thinking. congratulations, captain.