well done. your tone suggests disappointment. the science council required my presence for a session regarding-- as you are aware, the vulcan male is traditionally not present at the moment of delivery. you are correct. i should have been here. i am sorry. i had a thought. that we might name the child after one of our respected early society-builders. his name was "spock". your silence does not suggest enormous enthusiasm. the child has your eyes. in marriage. conflict is. natural. emotions run deep within our race. in many ways, more deeply than in humans. long ago, they nearly destroyed us. that is why we followed the teachings of surak. now you must choose. never, my son. but you may choose the ethic of logic. logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience. the control of feelings. so that they do not control you. as ambassador to earth, my duty is to observe and understand human behavior. marrying your mother. was logical. spock. you are fully capable of choosing your own destiny. the question you are faced with. is which path you will take. this is something only you can decide. amanda! we must get to the shelter! spock! you must not punish yourself. speak your mind, spock. what is necessary is always wise. you will always be a child of two worlds. i am grateful for that. and for you. and not only because you are all i have left of her. i believe she would say. do not try to. you asked me once. why i married your mother. i married her because i loved her.