yes, that's me -- scotty-- you're in the right place-- are there any other hard- working and equally-starving starfleet officers around? you eat nothing. a bean and you're done for a week, i need food. and now you're here -- so. thank you. where is it. yes! that's exactly what i'm talking about! how d'ya think i ended up here? i got into a debate with my instructor on the issue of relativistic physics as they pertain to subspace travel. he seemed to think that the range of transporting say, a roast turkey, was limited to a few hundred miles -- so i told my instructor i could not only beam a bird from one planet to an adjacent planet in the same system -- which is no big deal anyway -- but if i were so inclined i could actually do it with a lifeform! so i tested it on admiral archer's prize beagle. which. was a mistake. i'll tell ya when it reappears. dunno. feel guilty. i haven't been stationed here that long. if such an equation had been discovered, i'da heard. y'from the future, are ya? brilliant. d'they still have sandwiches where you're from? piece and jam? mince 'n tatties? cockaleekie soup? she's a wee bit dodgy: shield emitters are totally banjaxed, along wi' a few other things. rapid. that's impressive. imagine that! never occurred to me to think of space as the part that's moving. -- enterprise? had its maiden voyage already, has it? well, you must've done something right to be assigned to that ship, kiddo. she's a well endowed lady -- love to get my hands on her ample nacelles, if you'll pardon the engineering parlance. look, even if i believed you -- where you're from, what i've done-- which i don't -- we're still talkin' bout slingshotting aboard while she's going faster than light. without a proper receiving pad, that's like tryin'a hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, wearing a blindfold. on a horse. that's all well and good unless you rematerialize four meters outside the ship. aye, then. live or die, laddie, let's get this over with. he enterprise has a decent cafeteria i'm guessing. -- nice -- -- ship. really. i'd rather not take sides. i like this ship. it's exciting. well you can forget transwarp. no way to predict the narada's position from here. well done, mr. sulu. if there's any common sense to their ship design, i'll be puttin' ya in a cargo bay, shouldn't be a soul in sight. never beamed two targets from two places onto the same pad before! that was pretty good! i'm givin' her all she's got, captain! if we eject the core and detonate, the dilithium chamber at maximum efficiency, captain.