no. i am hardly "anxious", mother. and "fine" has variable definitions. "fine" is unacceptable. may i ask a personal query? should i choose to complete the vulcan discipline of kolinahr. and purge all emotion. i trust you will not feel it reflects judgement upon you. it was logical to cultivate multiple options. if you would clarify, minister-- what "disadvantage" are you referring to? council -- ministers. i must decline. then as i am half-human, your record remains untarnished. i came with the intention of enrolling, as my father wished. however, your "insight" has convinced me otherwise. therefore, the only emotion i wish to convey is gratitude. thank you, ministers, for your consideration. live long and prosper. i do not know. cadet kirk. it is obvious you somehow managed to install and activate a sub- routine in the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test. to deceive by trickery. your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario -- then not only have you violated the rules, you've failed to understand the principle lesson. you, of all people should know, cadet kirk -- a captain cannot cheat death. your father, lieutenant george kirk, had assumed command of his vessel before killed in action, did he not? how long did it take you to program the virus that allowed you to cheat? i am vulcan. "like" is not a verb in our vernacular. i've simply made the logical deduction that you're a liar. agreed. furthermore, you have failed to divine the purpose of the test. the purpose is to experience fear. fear in the face of certain death. to accept that fear and maintain command of one's self and one's crew. this is a quality expected in every starfleet captain. fear is necessary, yes. spock. as a vulcan, i require no additional training to control my narcissism when making command decisions. yes, lieutenant? indeed you were -- an exceptional achievement, to be su-- consistently, yes-- it was an attempt to avoid the appearance of favoritism. oh. yes, i believe you are. captain, engineering reports "ready for launch". have you disengaged the external inertial dampener? the cadet's logic is sound. and lieutenant uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion. captain, they're locking torpedoes! captain, the romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device into the vulcan atmosphere-- its signal appears to be blocking our communications and transporter abilities! pardon me. but i don't believe you and i are acquainted. captain. please. i apologize, but the complexities of human pranks escape me. dr. puri, report -- then you have just inherited his responsibility as chief medical officer. chekov, run gravitational sensors -- i want to know what they're doing to the planet. they're creating a black hole. at the center of vulcan? how long does the planet have? alert vulcan command center to signal a planetwide evacuation-- all channels, all frequencies -- maintain standard orbit -- to evacuate the vulcan high council-- they're tasked with protecting our cultural history. my parents will be among them-- it's not possible -- they'll be in the katrik arc, i must get them myself-- step aside -- i'm going to the surface. energize -- the planet's not safe, it has only seconds left -- we must evacuate now -- spock to enterprise: take us back now! mother!!!! acting captain's log. stardate 2256.42: i have assumed command of the enterprise. we've heard no word from captain pike. i have therefore classified him a hostage of the war criminal known as nero. nero, who has destroyed my home planet. and most of its six billion inhabitants. i estimate no more than ten thousand survived. while the essence of our culture has been saved, in the elders who now reside upon this ship. i am now a member of an endangered species. i need. i need for us all to continue performing admirably. lieutenant, have you confirmed that nero is headed for earth? that's not it. he said he wanted me to see something. the destruction of my home planet. the engineering comprehension necessary to artificially create a black hole may suggest the answer: such technology could theoretically be manipulated to create a tunnel through space time. if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains -- however improbable -- must be the truth. captain pike left us with standing orders to rendezvous with the fleet on the other side of the quadrant. we're technologically outmatched in every way. a rescue attempt would be illogical. we must gather with the rest of starfleet to balance the terms of our next engagement -- you're assuming nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. the contrary: nero's very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the u.s.s. kelvin, culminating in the events of today -- thereby creating a new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party. precisely. whatever lives we might have lived, if the time continuum was disrupted. our destinies have changed. mr. sulu, plot a course for the laurentian system, warp factor three-- yes, doctor. i'm aware that james kirk is a friend of yours. supporting me, as you did, must have been difficult. i'm simply acknowledging your difficulties. i welcome it. a curious metaphor, doctor. as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential. i intended to assist in the effort to re- establish communication with starfleet. however, if crew morale would be better served by my roaming the halls weeping, i'll gladly defer to your medical expertise. i calculate no more than a four meter margin of error. bring up video. security, this is the captain -- seal engineering deck and bring me the intruders in turbine station three -- set phasers to stun. who are you? we're travelling at warp -- how did you manage to get aboard this ship? as captain of this vessel i order you to answer the question. you are not a member of this ship's crew. under penalty of court martial, i order you to explain to me how you beamed ab -- you will answer me. escort them to the brig. your presumption that these experiences interfere with my abilities to command this ship is inaccurate-- yes, of course i-- i will not. allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion. step away from me, mr. kirk. -- back away -- doctor. i am no longer fit for duty. i hereby relinquish my command on the grounds that i have been. emotionally compromised. please note the time and date in the ship's log. that would be unwise. i feel as conflicted as i once was. as a child. have i made so little progress? i feel anger. for the one who took her life. an anger i cannot stop. doctor. mr. chekov is correct. i have reviewed his telemetry. if mr. sulu can maneuver us into position, i can beam aboard nero's ship. romulans and vulcans share a common ancestry. our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access their ship's computer to locate the device. also, my mother was human. which makes earth the only home i have left. i would cite regulation, but i know you will simply ignore it. thank you, nyota. i have no comment on the matter. i am trained in the vulcan martial art of suus mahna. i am unable to meld with these romulans -- there are subtle differences in their physiology i did not anticipate -- what is your computer access code? tell! me! the! code! what you refer to as the "red matter device" is in the main hangar -- and i've located captain pike. unknown. which may be problematic, as i am unfamiliar with this ship's design. computer: what is your manufacturing origin? it appears you've been keeping rather important information from me. under authority granted me by the europa convention, i'm confiscating this illegally obtained ship and order you to surrender your vessel. no terms. no deals. last warning: unconditional surrender or you will be destroyed. computer, prepare self destruct sequence. captain -- what are you doing? no, not really, not this time. father? fascinating. then why did you send kirk aboard when you alone could've explained the truth? it was a test? how did you persuade him to keep your secret? you lied. a gamble. the future's not what it used to be. in the face of extinction, it's only logical i resign my starfleet commission and help rebuild our race. my future cannot be determined by your past. we are one, but not the same. permission to come aboard, captain. as you have yet to select a first officer, respectfully, i would like to submit my candidacy. should you desire, i can provide character references.