moorings retracted, captain. dock control reports ready -- thrusters fired, separating from space dock -- the fleet's cleared space dock, captain. all ships ready for warp. course laid in. uh, he has lungworms, sir? he'll be fine but couldn't report to his post-- i'm hikaru sulu -- very much so, sir-- i'm not sure what's. wrong here. -- no, i'll figure it out, just-- ready for warp, sir. yessir. engines at maximum warp, captain. arrival at vulcan in five seconds! four. three. two-- shields at thirty-two percent! their weapons are powerful, sir, we can't take another hit like that! i have training, sir! fencing. behind you!! none of this is familiar-- the interface, the controls-- thanks. why waste a weapon? we weren't a threat. as admiral he knows details of starfleet's defenses. i'm sorry. warp three. course one-five-one mark three, the laurentian system. i'm a phd in astrophysics, i think i can handle it -- how'd you get back? there's not a chance. they're gonna be in geosynchronous orbit around earth in ten minutes. we'll never make it. mr. chekov, transfer manual control to the captain's chair. give me one quarter impulse burst for five seconds and i'll do the rest with thrusters. on my mark. three. two. one. fire. all stop in three. two. one. transporter room. we're in stable geosynchronous orbit behind the narada. yessir. good luck. they're on their own now. maneuvering thrusters and impulse engines at your command, sir. aye, captain.