departure angle. photon torpedoes armed! torpedoes away! we're out of it! negative damage report, sir. no casualties reported, sir. it is a courier, captain. grade one priority. non-belligerency confirmed. granted, sir! granted! all decks and divisions confirm status red. should i go to battle stations, sir. forcefields and deflectors up full, captain. no weapons! security. do not send further teams! no intruder readings on other decks, captain. can that be one of their crew? absolutely, i will not interfere! deck four, captain; officers' quarters! sir! airlock four has been opened; a thruster suit is reported missing! airlocks two and four -- prepare to launch rescue teams! chief lang! get them out there! fast! they reach final position in. twenty-seven minutes -- mark. twenty-five minutes to device activation, sir. tractor beam strength lessening, captain. tractor beam is released. captain. i read an oxygen and gravity envelope forming outside the enterprise!