lieutenant ilia reporting for duty, sir. decker! 'commander' decker? my oath of celibacy is on record captain. may i assume my duties? i'm sworn to celibacy, mister sulu. that makes me as safe as any human female. i would never take advantage of a sexually immature species. you can assure him that's true, can't you? orbital departure on plot, sir. science officer's computations confirmed, sir. unidentified small object has been pulled into the wormhole with us, captain! directly ahead! navigational deflectors inoperative! directional control also inoperative, captain! twelve seconds! object is an asteroid, reading mass point seven. impact in eight seconds. seven. six. five. computing new interception course. confirmed, mr. sulu. confirmed. was he difficult? that you left? or that you didn't say 'goodbye'? no. five minutes to cloud boundary! no, i can stop his pain. impact in fifteen seconds. ten seconds. thirty seconds to cloud boundary. fifteen seconds to cloud boundary. distance to object now seventy- thousand kilometers. mr. spock, don't move!