admiral, i've been hoping to see you. maybe you can get through to those thick heads in starfleet that. we're hoping it's only a temporary problem, admiral. admiral, the enterprise has just finished eighteen months redesign- ing and refitting. she needs testing, a shakedown. the crew hasn't had near enough transition time with all the new equipment. and the engines, admiral: they've yet to be even tested at warp power. add to that, an untried captain. "gave' her back, sir? i doubt it was that easy. but any man who could manage such a feat, i wouldna dare disappoint. she'll launch on time, sir. and she'll be ready. sir, you'll excuse me? aye, you were dead right about that. clearly, put a back-up sensor into the unit. transporter room, do not engage! do not. we're losing the pattern! intermix set, bridge, impulse power at your discretion. hold one minute, please, captain -- aye, lad. it's borderline on the simulator, captain: i canna guarantee that she'll. in just a second, exec; we're picking up the pieces down here. bypass! alternate integrators! systems are overloading, captain! our shields cannot handle another attack! going to full emergency. but captain, if we don't break free in fifteen seconds, she'll burn up. well, sir, now what about all that? a living entity, the captain says. entity. a living thing! your welcome, sir. lassie, if i were functioning 'logically,' right now i'd be showing you the inside of our scrap metal compactor! scott, here, sir. when, captain? aye, sir. i would say, lass, because he thinks -- he hopes -- that when we go up. we'll take v'ger with us. when that much matter and anti- matter are brought together? oh, yes; we will, indeed. i'd say it's time for that, i would, sir. we can have you back on vulcan in four days, mr. spock.