he's in engineering, sir. he doesn't know. i wouldn't have wanted to have been standing in his way. he wanted her back; he got her! dock signals clear, captain. sir? yes, of course. your pre-programming is already set in, lieutenant. helm ready, sir. maneuvering thrusters, sir. thrusters at station-keeping, sir. accelerating to warp one, sir. warp point seven. point eight . nine. warp one, sir. negative helm control, captain! going reverse on impulse power! helm control restored, sir. maintaining warp point eight; i show our new heading as 287 point three mark 105. lieutenant ilia? warp point eight. point nine. warp one, sir. warp two, sir. warp three. -- twelve power?! commencing evasive maneuvers. ! the new screens held! here it comes! aye, sir. we're closing in on it rapidly, captain. we're already two settings below that, sir. one hundred kilometers. reverse angle on the viewer, captain. viewer ahead, sir. thrusters ahead, one third. something ahead, sir; looks like another area. it's closing up! thrusters at station keeping. confirm, captain. lunar beacons indicate intruder on a course into earth orbit. your phaser, captain! use your phaser! mr. spock, the captain is in trouble, directly behind you -- three hundred meters! mr. spock! the third one is moving off too -- a fourth one is forming. clear the bridge, captain? tractor beam remains constant. forward motion slowing, captain! forward motion stopped, captain.