captain. starfleet just signaled your transfer-of- command orders! ensign -- our chances of coming back from this mission in one piece may have just doubled! transporters room and chief engineer scott report trans- porter system fully repaired and now functioning normally, sir. captain, transporter personnel reports the navigator. . lieutenant junior grade ilia is already aboard, and en route to the bridge. she's a deltan. captain, starfleet reports our last six crew members ready to beam up. . but one of them is refusing to step into the transporter. dock control reports ready, sir. yard command signaling clear, sir. subspace frequencies are jammed by wormhole effect! communications are normal, captain. that's how we all feel, mister. continuing friendship messages on all frequencies, sir. no response to friendship messages, captain. negative, no reply, sir. it could hold a crew of tens of thousands! unable to make contact with starfleet. our transmissions out of the cloud are being reflected back. they're pulling us inside! captain, photic-sonar readings indicate the aperture is closing; we're trapped, sir! a faint signal from starfleet, sir. they have the intruder on their monitors. they show us. three hours. twenty-four minutes from earth! starfleet signals, sir, growing in strength. they -- have intruder on their monitors -- it's decelerating -- powerfield cloud beginning to dissipate. we're now locked into starfleet's transceivers; admiral nogura has received your reports, sir. the visual is a lunar monitor relay, sir. heavy interference, sir -- it's coming from here, inside the intruder itself. on an old style radio frequency, sir. sir! v'ger's signals have stopped. picking up starfleet again; a lunar monitor relay. urgent signal from starfleet, captain! all earth defense systems have gone dead. sir, starfleet computes their trajectories as moving toward equidistant positions over earth. starfleet has been apprised of our situation, captain. sir, i have located the source of v'ger's radio signal: directly ahead. problem, captain: the response signal is not in our records. voyager six was sent out by earth's "united states subdivision.' the code was probably. starfleet signal, captain! return to orbital dockyard for inspection.