laserbolts streak through the star-filled night. the rebel x- wing fighters move in toward the imperial base, as the death star aims its massive laser guns at the rebel forces and fires. biggs zooms off the surface and into space, closely followed by an imperial tie fighter. the tie ship fires several laserbolts at biggs, but misses. biggs, flying at high altitude, peels off and dives toward the death star surface, but he is unable to lose the tie fighter, who sticks close to his tail. biggs and the tailing tie ship dive for the surface, now followed by a fast-gaining luke. after biggs dives out of sight, luke chases the imperial fighter. three y-wing fighters of the gold group dive out of the stars toward the death star surface. three imperial tie ships in precise formation dive toward the death star surface. gold leader approaches the surface and pulls out to skim the surface of the huge station. the ship moves into a deep trench, firing laserbolts. the surface streaks past as laserfire is returned by the death star. three imperial tie ships, darth vader in the center flanked by two wingmen, dive in precise formation almost vertically toward the death star surface. three tie fighters zoom across the surface of the death star. as gold two's ship explodes, debris is flung out into space. the x-wing fighters of luke, biggs, and wedge fly in formation high above the death star's surface. red ten's ship explodes and bursts into flames. laserbolts are flung from vader's tie fighter, connecting with red leader's rebel x-wing fighter. red leader buys it, creating a tremendous explosion far below. he screams and is destroyed. the two x-wings peel off against a background of stars and dive toward the death star. the three x-wings move in, unleashing a barrage of laserfire. laserbolts are returned from the death star. vader and his wingmen zoom closer. wedge pulls his crippled x-wing back away from the battle. luke's x-wing speeds down the trench; the three tie fighters, still in perfect unbroken formation, tail close behind. the three tie fighters move ever closer, closing in on luke and biggs. stealthily, the tie formation creeps closer. vader and his wingmen race through the death star trench. biggs moves in to cover for luke, but vader gains on him. the millennium falcon heads right at the two tie fighters. it's a collision course. vader's ship spins out of control with a bent solar fin, heading for deep space. two x-wings, a y-wing, and the pirateship race toward yavin in the distance. the rebel ships race out of sight, leaving the moon-like death star alone against a blanket of stars. several small flashes appear on the surface. the death star bursts into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display.