rebel fighters continue to strafe the death star's surface with laserbolts. luke flings his x-wing into a twisting dive across the horizon and down onto the dim grey surface. the death star superstructure races past luke as he maneuvers his craft through a wall of laserfire and peels away from the surface towards the heavens. silhouetted against the rim lights of the death star horizon, four ferocious imperial tie ships dive on the rebel fighters. two of the tie fighters peel off and drop out of frame. pan with the remaining two tie ships. luke's ship soars closer to the surface of the death star, an imperial tie fighter closing in on him in hot pursuit. wedge dives across the horizon toward luke and the tie fighter. three y-wing skim the death star surface deep in the trench, as laserbolts streak past on all sides. the three y-wing fighters race toward camera and zoom overhead through a hail of laserfire. gold leader explodes in a ball of flames, throwing debris in all directions. one of the engines explodes on gold five's y-wing fighter, blazing out of control. he dives past the horizon toward the death star's surface, passing a tie fighter during his descent. gold five, a veteran of countless campaigns, spins toward his death. two x-wings move across the surface of the death star. red leader's x-wing drops down to the surface leading to the exhaust port. three tie fighters, vader flanked by two wingmen, dive in a tight formation. the sun reflects off their dominate solar fins as they loop toward the death star's surface. red leader's x-wing moves up the death star trench. vader and his wingmen zoom down the trench. vader and his wingmen whip through the trench in pursuit of the rebel fighters. biggs' ship bursts into a million flaming bits and scatters across the surface. three tie fighters charge away down the trench toward luke. luke's ship charges down the trench. the death star trench zooms by. luke's fighter streaks through the trench. vader follows luke's x-wing down the trench. luke's ship streaks ever close to the exhaust port. the three tie fighters, manned by vader and his two wingmen, follow luke's x-wing down the trench. the three tie fighters zoom down the death star trench in pursuit of luke, never breaking formation. luke's ship barrels down the trench. the three tie fighters move in on luke. as vader's center fighter unleashes a volley of laserfire, one of the tie ships at his side is hit and explodes into flame. the two remaining ships continue to move in. solo's ship moves in toward the death star trench. luke's torpedoes shoot toward the port and seems to simply disappear into the surface and not explode. but the shots do find their mark and have gone into the exhaust port and are heading for the main reactor.