the speeder is stopped on a crowded street by several combat- hardend stormtroopers who look over the two robots. a trooper questions luke. the speeder pulls up in front of a rundown blockhouse cantina on the outskirts of the spaceport. various strange forms of transport, including several unusual beasts of burden, are parked outside the bar. a jawa runs up and begins to fondle the speeder. threepio paces in front of the cantina as artoo carries on an electronic conversation with another little red astro- droid. a creature comes out of the cantina and approaches two stormtroopers in the street. four heavily-armed stormtroopers move menacingly along a narrow slum alleyway crowed with darkly clad creatures hawking exotic goods in the dingy little stalls. men, monsters, and robots crouch in the waste-filled doorways, whispering and hiding from the hot winds. eight imperial stormtroopers rush up to the darkly clad creature.