darth vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars whip past in the window above his head. darth vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars zoom by. vader lines up gold two in his targeting computer. vader's hands grip the control stick as he presses the button. vader calmly adjusts his targeting computer and pushes the fire button. vader adjusts his control lever and dives on the x-wing fighters. vader rapidly approaches the two x-wings of red ten and red twelve. vader's laser cannon flashes below the view of the front porthole. the x-wings show in the center of vader's computer screen. vader cooly pushes the fire button on his control stick. vader swings his ship around for the next kill. vader's gloved hands make contact with the control sticks, and he presses their firing buttons. vader adjusts his controls and fires laserbolts at two x- wings flying down the trench. he scores a direct hit on wedge. vader watches the escape but issues a command to his wingmen. vader adjusts his control stick. vader squeezes the fire button on his controls. vader takes aim on luke and talks to the wingmen. vader's finger's curls around the control stick. vader maneuvers his controls as he looks at his doomed target. he presses the fire buttons on his control sticks. laserfire shoots toward luke's x-wing fighter. vader adjusts his control sticks, checking his projected targeting screen. vader's targeting computer swings around into position. vader takes careful aim on luke's x-wing fighter. vader is taken by surprise, and looks out from his cockpit. vader turns round and round in circles as his ship spins into space.