the princess, threepio, and a field commander sit quietly before the giant display showing the planet yavin and its four moons. the red dot that represents the death star moves ever closer to the system. a series of green dots appear around the fourth moon. a din of indistinct chatter fills the war room. princess leia listens to the battle over the intercom. threepio is at her side. princess leia, surrounded by her generals and aides, paces nervously before a lighted computer table. on all sides technicians work in front of many lighted glass walls. dodonna watches quietly from one corner. one of the officers working over a screen speaks into his headset. a concerned princess leia, threepio, dodonna, and other officers of the rebellion stand around the huge round readout screen, listening to the ship-to-ship communication on the room's loudspeaker. in the war room, leia stands frozen as she listens and worries about luke. leia, threepio, dodonna and other rebel officers are listening to the rebel fighter's radio transmissions over the war room intercom. leia and the others are grouped around the screen, as technicians move about attending to their duties. technicians are seated at the computer readout table. dodonna moves to the intercom as he fiddles with the computer keys. leia and the others stare at the computer screen. dodonna and princess leia, with threepio beside them, listen intently to the talk between the pilots. the room is grim after red leader's death. princess leia nervously paces the room. leia and the others are grouped around the computer board. leia and the others stare at the computer board. princess leia returns her general's worried and doubtful glances with solid, grim determination. threepio seems nervous. leia and the others stand watching the projected screen. leia and the others stare intently at the projected screen, while threepio watches the princess. lights representing the death star and targets glow brightly. leia and the others listen to solo's transmission.