luke fires at an unseen fighter. luke follows the tie fighter across his field of view, firing laserbeams from his cannon. luke fires at a tie fighter. at his port, han follows a fighter in his sights, releasing a blast of laserfire. he connects, and the fighter explodes into fiery dust. han laughs victoriously. another tie fighter moves in on the pirateship and luke, smiling, fires the laser cannon at it, scoring a spectacular direct hit. luke and han look into their respective projected target screens. an imperial fighter crosses solo's port, and han swivels in his chair, following it with blasts from his laser cannon. another fighter crosses luke's port, and he reacts in a like manner, the glow of his target screen lighting his face. luke fires a laserblast at the approaching enemy fighter, and it bursts into a spectacular explosion. luke's projected screen gives a readout of the hit. the pirateship bounces slightly as it is struck by the enemy fire.