hurry up! come with me! what are you waiting for?! get in gear! shape it up you guys!. biggs? i didn't know you were back! when did you get in? the academy didn't change you much. but you're back so soon? hey, what happened, didn't you get your commission? i almost forgot. there's a battle going on! right here in our system. come and look! there they are! but there was a lot of firing earlier. hey, easy with those. so i cut off my power, shut down the afterburners and came in low on deak's trail. i was so close i thought i was going to fry my instruments. as it was i busted up the skyhopper pretty bad. uncle owen was pretty upset. he grounded me for the rest of the season. you should have been there. it was fantastic. look who's talking. now that you've been around those giant starships you're beginning to sound like my uncle. you've gotten soft in the city. well, things haven't been the same since you left, biggs. it's been so. quiet. what are you talking about? join the rebellion?! are you kidding! how? i'm sorry. i'm quiet. listen how quiet i am. you can barely hear me. you're crazy! you could wander around forever trying to find them. and i'm stuck here. not likely! i had to cancel my application. there has been a lot of unrest among the sandpeople since you left. they've even raided the outskirts of anchorhead. i know, but he's got enough vaporators going to make the place pay off. he needs me for just one more season. i can't leave him now. it couldn't happen here. you said it yourself. the empire won't bother with this rock. i wish i was going. are you going to be around long? then i guess i won't see you. well, i'll be at the academy next season. after that who knows. i won't be drafted into the imperial starfleet that's for sure. take care of yourself, you'll always be the best friend i've got. it looks like we don't have much of a choice but i'll remind him. but i was going into toshi station to pick up some power converters. all right, come on! and the red one, come on. well, come on, red, let's go. uncle owen. this r2 unit has a bad motivator. look! uncle owen. what about that one? yeah, take it away. okay, let's go. it just isn't fair. oh, biggs is right. i'm never gonna get out of here! well, not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock! well, if there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from. uh, you can call me luke. just luke. hello. you got a lot of carbon scoring here. it looks like you boys have seen a lot of action. you know of the rebellion against the empire? have you been in many battles? well, my little friend, you've got something jammed in here real good. were you on a cruiser or. what's this? who is she? she's beautiful. is there more to this recording? obi-wan kenobi? i wonder if he means old ben kenobi? well, i don't know anyone named obi- wan, but old ben lives out beyond the dune sea. he's kind of a strange old hermit. i wonder who she is. it sounds like she's in trouble. i'd better play back the whole thing. h'm? oh, yeah, well, i guess you're too small to run away on me if i take this off! okay. there you go. well, wait a minute. where'd she go? bring her back! play back the entire message. all right, i'll be right there, aunt beru. well, see what you can do with him. i'll be right back. you know, i think that r2 unit we bought might have been stolen. well, i stumbled across a recording while i was cleaning him. he says he belongs to someone called obi-wan kenobi. i thought he might have meant old ben. do you know what he's talking about? well, i wonder if he's related to ben. but what if this obi-wan comes looking for him? he knew my father? yes, sir. i think those new droids are going to work out fine. in fact, i, uh, was also thinking about our agreement about my staying on another season. and if these new droids do work out, i want to transmit my application to the academy this year. sure, there're more than enough droids. but it's a whole 'nother year. yeah, that's what you said last year when biggs and tank left. it looks like i'm going nowhere. i have to finish cleaning those droids. what are you doing hiding there? oh, no! how could i be so stupid? he's nowhere in sight. blast it! it's too dangerous with all the sandpeople around. we'll have to wait until morning. all right, i'll be there in a few minutes. boy, am i gonna get it. you know that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble. how's that. old ben kenobi lives out in this direction somewhere, but i don't see how that r2 unit could have come this far. we must have missed him. uncle owen isn't going to take this very well. sure. he needs you. he'd probably only deactivate you for a day or so. wait, there's something dead ahead on the scanner. it looks like our droid. hit the accelerator. hey, whoa, just where do you think you're going? well, come on. it's getting late. i only hope we can get back before uncle owen really blows up. no, he's not going to try anything. what's wrong with him now? sandpeople! or worst! come on, let's have a look. come on. there are two banthas down there but i don't see any. wait a second, they're sandpeople all right. i can see one of them now. what happened? ben? ben kenobi! boy, am i glad to see you! oh, this little droid! i think he's searching for his former master. i've never seen such devotion in a droid before. there seems to be no stopping him. he claims to be the property of an obi-wan kenobi. is he a relative of yours? do you know who he's talking about? i think my uncle knew him. he said he was dead. you know him! then the droid does belong to you. threepio! can you stand? we've got to get out of here before the sandpeople return. no, you're not. what kind of talk is that? no, my father didn't fight in the wars. he was a navigator on a spice freighter. you fought in the clone wars? i wish i'd known him. sure, go ahead. what is it? how did my father die? the force? i saw part of the message he was. alderaan? i'm not going to alderaan. i've got to go home. it's late, i'm in for it as it is. i can't get involved! i've got work to do! it's not that i like the empire. i hate it! but there's nothing i can do about it right now. it's such a long way from here. oh, god, my uncle. how am i ever going to explain this? look, i can take you as far as anchorhead. you can get a transport there to mos eisley or wherever you're going. it looks like sandpeople did this, all right. look, here are gaffi sticks, bantha tracks. it's just. i never heard of them hitting anything this big before. these are the same jawas that sold us artoo and threepio. why would imperial troops want to slaughter jawas? if they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to. and that would lead them home! uncle owen! aunt beru! uncle owen! i want to come with you to alderaan. there's nothing here for me now. i want to learn the ways of the force and become a jedi like my father. about three or four seasons. go on, go on. i can't understand how we got by those troopers. i thought we were dead. do you really think we're going to find a pilot here that'll take us to alderaan? i'm ready for anything. what? listen, why don't you wait out by the speeder. we don't want any trouble. i'm sorry. i'll be careful than. ten thousand? we could almost buy our own ship for that! you bet i could. i'm not such a bad pilot myself! we don't have to sit here and listen. that's okay. i'm never coming back to this planet again. he says it's the best he can do. since the xp-38 came out, they're just not in demand. what a piece of junk. why don't you outrun them? i thought you said this thing was fast. are you kidding? at the rate they're gaining. what's that flashing? are you all right? what's wrong? you mean it controls your actions? you don't believe in the force, do you? with the blast shield down, i can't even see. how am i supposed to fight? you know, i did feel something. i could almost see the remote. what's going on? what do you mean? where is it? what? how? maybe they know what happened. it followed us! it sure is leaving in a big hurry. if they identify us, we're in big trouble. it must have gotten lost, been part of a convoy or something. look at him. he's headed for that small moon. i have a very bad feeling about this. why are we still moving towards it? but there's gotta be something you can do! boy, it's lucky you had these compartments. you know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here. i want to go with you. but he can. ben is a great man. i didn't hear you give any ideas. who do you think. what is it? well, who. who has he found? the princess? she's here? oh, no! we've got to do something. the droid belongs to her. she's the one in the message. we've got to help her. but he didn't know she was here. look, will you just find a way back into the detention block? they're going to execute her. look, a few minutes ago you said you didn't want to just wait here to be captured. now all you want to do is stay. but they're going to kill her! she's rich. yes. rich, powerful! listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be. well more wealth that you can imagine. you'll get it! you will. all right. uh. threepio, hand me those binders there will you? okay. now, i'm going to put these on you. okay. han, you put these on. lock the door! i can't see a thing in this helmet. why didn't you say so before? prisoner transfer from block one-one- three-eight. he's going to pull us all apart. what? oh. the uniform. i'm luke skywalker. i'm here to rescue you. i'm here to rescue you. i've got your r2 unit. i'm here with ben kenobi. come on! see-threepio! see-threepio! we've been cut off! are there any other ways out of the cell bay?. what was that? i didn't copy! there isn't any other way out. well, i didn't. no! wait! will you forget it? i already tried it. it's magnetically sealed! there's something alive in here! something just moves past my leg! look! did you see that? help! blast it, will you! my gun's jammed. anywhere! oh!! i don't know, it just let go of me and disappeared. the walls are moving! wait a minute! threepio! come in threepio! threepio! where could he be? threepio! come in, threepio! threepio! where could he be? threepio! threepio, will you come in? threepio! will you shut up and listen to me? shut down all garbage mashers on the detention level, will you? do you copy? shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level. shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level. threepio, we're all right! we're all right. you did great. hey. hey, open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number. where are we? well, let's get moving! see-threepio, do you copy? we're right above you. stand by. where are you going? come back! what good will it do us if he gets himself killed? come on! i think we took a wrong turn. that oughta hold it for a while. oh, i think i just blasted it. here, hold this. is the ship all right? look! no! i can't believe he's gone. they're coming in too fast! got him! i got him! that's it! we did it! i care! so. what do you think of her, han? good. no! it's not impossible. i used to bull's- eye womp rats in my t-sixteen back home. they're not much bigger than two meters. so. you got your reward and you're just leaving then? come on! why don't you take a look around? you know what's about to happen, what they're up against. they could use a good pilot like you. you're turning your back on them. all right. well, take care of yourself, han. i guess that's what you're best at, isn't it? oh, it's han! i don't know, i really thought he'd change his mind. i only wish ben were here. biggs! of course, i'll be up there with you! listen, have i got some stories to tell. thank you, sir. i'll try. i told you i'd make it someday, biggs. not on your life! that little droid and i have been through a lot together. you okay, artoo? red five standing by. this is red five; i'm going in! i got a little cooked, but i'm okay. i'm on my way in now. i'm on it. my scope's negative. i don't see anything. hang on, biggs, i'm coming in. got him! i'm hit, but not bad. i can't shake him! blast it! wedge where are you? thanks, wedge. no sign of any. wait! coming in point three five. red leader, we're right above you. turn to point. oh-five; we'll cover for you. biggs, wedge, let's close it up. we're going in. we're going in full throttle. it'll be just like beggar's canyon back home. watch yourself! increase speed full throttle! you worry about those fighters! i'll worry about the tower! artoo. that, that stabilizer's broken loose again! see if you can't lock it down! get clear, wedge. you can't do any more good back there! artoo, try and increase the power! nothing. i'm all right. i've lost artoo! i knew you'd come back! i just knew it! oh, no! he'll be all right.